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Wordless Wednesday: Marlie in Bloom

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

baby flower headbandbaby flower headband


Betty Manousos said... 1

OMG, what a stikin' cutie!
That is one adorable cutie you have!!
Loved the flower!.
Great pics!!
hugs hugs

Kim @ What's That Smell? said... 2

She is beaming! She know how gorgeous she is LOL!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 3

Little Miss Marlie is absolutely GORGEOUS! I wish I could just reach through the monitor and squeeze her so tight! Teresha, she really should be a baby model. I think you could fund her college rather quickly that way. Just look at her! She LOVES the camera and it adores her! Oh, and so do I! :0)

Give her big hugs and kisses from her Auntie Teresa!

Love ya!

Stesha said... 4

Love it! She is so cute! Flowers are my favorite on little girls!

Hugs and Mocha,

jmt said... 5

And she doesn't even appear bothered at all by the headband or flower. Why won't my boys keep hats on their head? She's adorable. Of course. :)

Katie said... 6

Too cute for words! I love it;)

L.A. Mommy said... 7

Um, WOW!!!
She's absolutely ADORABLE! Purple is one of my favorite colors and Miss Marlie is workin it!!!

Keep the pics coming!!

TellyLongLegs said... 8

OMG WHAT A BEAUTY!!!!! I love the flowers and all.

The Redhead Riter said... 9

Oh my goodness I'm in love with your baby!!!!!! She's a "Blooming Baby!" with the sweet smell of "Newborn"

Those are absolutely adorable photos. You are going to have to live in a castle in order to hang all these beautiful pics of her!

So, so cute! Way to go Teresha! Mama didn't have no ugly baby! LOL

JaelCustomDesigns said... 10

Oh... she is too adorable!

No, No, I am not having anymore! Okay, gotta go before I get the fever again. Four is enough!

keyalus said... 11

These are adorable! Stop making me want a little girl LOL.

Coniqua said... 12

I found you via Blogs Her Color. Marlie is absolutely adorable.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said... 13

She is just gorgeous, spectacular, a beauty!

The Redhead Riter said... 14

Well, this picture showed up in the Linkwithin pictures today and it is my most favorite of all of Marlie's pictures so far. She truly looks like an angel child in this photo and if she grew in the garden, I would surely have picked her and just kissed her little toes all day!

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