Name: Teresha
Blog Name: Marlie and Me
Blog Address: http://marlieandmommy.blogspot.com
How many children do you have and what are their genders/ages? 1 girl, 3 months-old
- What is your kid(s) favorite toy: her stuffed bunny
- What was your favorite toy when you were a child: my Monchichi
- What is your favorite season of the year and why: Spring because of all the pretty flowers
- What's on the menu for Thanksgiving: I fessed up that my husband is the better cook, so I think it goes without saying that he's handling Thanksgiving dinner. We are definitely having a turkey. He's been performing test runs of a wild rice and cranberry stuffing...yum! I do pitch in by making homemade cranberry sauce.
- What was your family's holiday tradition when you were growing up: up until age 5 or 6, it was taking pictures with Santa at the mall. Then, we didn't celebrate Christmas for a long time because my mother became a Jehovah's Witness. By the time she left the religion, we were too old to sit on Santa's knee!
- What is a holiday tradition you've established with your own family: me and my husband decorate a Christmas tree every Thanksgiving since we've been married. This year will be the first time we get to do it with Marlie.
- What is your lamest hobby: Back in college, I'd buy Happy Meals for lunch because it was all I could afford. I started to keep the toys that came with the meals, and now I have amassed a collection of more than 500 of those suckers...I like to think of them as heirloom pieces that will be passed down to Marlie.
- Name one item you would put in a time capsule and why: my Miseducation of Lauryn Hill CD. It pretty much sums up my life in the mid-90s.
- If you could build your dream shopping plaza, what 5 stores would you put in it: Big Lots, Target, Tuesday Morning, Ross, Whole Foods
- Are you more attracted to hunks or geeks, and who is your perfect specimen? Both, which is why I married my husband...he is a geek trapped in the body of 100% prime hunk!
I love your Christmas tree tradition! My husband has to have a real tree and last year he and my son actually went and cut one down (legally at a tree farm, not just from some guys yard in the middle of the night). We're hoping this year to all go as a family and do it.
The Happy Meal thing - FUNNY, I can't believed you saved all those toys.
i love it too! thx for sharing
You're one lucky wife!!! Love all your answers. This is a fun idea :) I'm drowning in happy meal toys from my 4 kids' collecting them over all these years.
I love Tuesday Morning! I once scored a classy glass salad bowl for 2 bucks! I like your talk show...no loud commercial breaks. :o)
My best, Lynn
We'll be putting up our tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I'd put it up now if my dear hubby would let me!!! But as it stands... too much to do before Thanksgiving without digging it out.
I loved your answers!
Great idea. Love the shopping center!
Oh, I would shop at your dream shopping plaza! That sounds just about perfect. Though I might switch Whole Foods with Hobby Lobby or Michaels.
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