Name: Lisa
Blog Name: Tales of a Soon-to-Be Soccer Mom
Blog Address: talesofasoccermom.blogspot.com
How many children do you have and what are their genders/ages? two girls, ages 4 & 2, one boy due in April
- How has becoming a mother changed you for the better: Becoming a mother has completely deepened my relationship with Christ. I understand love in such a different way now that I have my own children. I cannot imagine sending one of them to die for the sins of this world as God sent Jesus to pay for our sins, my sins.
- How has becoming a mother changed you for the worst: If you want to see the ugliness of a cranky mommy take sleep away from me, or my kids! I need my sleep and it’s so much more evident now that I have two little ones to care for all day long!
- Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid: I had two imaginary friends named Amy and Chelsea. Not sure where they came from but I remember pushing them on the swings when I was at pre-school. The teachers must have thought I was crazy!
- Do your child(ren) have imaginary friends: My oldest, Chloe, has an imaginary friend named Hilly, who is definitely a character. Hilly does all kinds of things to get in trouble and more than once she has been banned from our house!
- If the FCC had a policy that every household could only have one TV station, which would you choose: HGTV!
- What station would your child(ren) pick: They would definitely pick Noggin (I guess it’s Nick, Jr. now…I liked Noggin better).
- Rank your top 5 all-time favorite movies in order starting with your most cherished: The Wizard of Oz, A League of Their Own, Little Women, You’ve Got Mail and Legally Blonde
- Random question time. What is your favorite punctuation mark: Hmm…that is random. I’m going to go with the exclamation mark!!
- This time of year calls for hot drinks. Are you a hot cocoa or wassail fan: Hot Chocolate!
- Any New Year's resolutions: To finish projects I have started, finish unpacking our new house (finally!) and get things ready for this baby boy’s arrival in advance so I’m not rushing at the last minute!
So nice to meet Lisa! I can definitely relate to the fact that having a child has brought me closer to Christ.
It's like you realize how much God loves us once you have your own child(ren)
I can also agree with the sleep comment. I need my sleep!
God bless you and Happy New Year!
Hi Lisa! You did great on your interview. I am so with you on the sleep thing!
Great interview. It's fun to meet bloggers this way. I'll have to go visit Lisa.
Happy New Year Teresha!
The holiday's got the best of me and I missed Lisa's interview!!! What fun questions, though!! :) I loved reading her answers and I totally agree with her on the sleep thing. Of course, now that my kids are older, sleep isn't such a precious commodity, but it's still quite important.
Just like the saying goes: If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
This image is very immpressive, you are good photographer
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