This week has been fu

ll of wonderful surprises! It went a something like this:
- Marlie is so ticklish. The slightest touch will send her into a fit of giggles. Here I am drying her hair after a bath and she just starts cracking up!
- I finally saw her roll over from her back to her tummy on Wednesday...go Marlie! She has been rolling over nonstop ever since and can even complete a full rotation back-to-front-to-back again.
- Her daddy went on a business trip for the first time since she was born. It was scary being alone with her, especially since our dog decided to bark at only-Heaven-knows-what most of the night.
- I was exhausted by Friday having spent a couple of days and one night without my assistant coach. I asked Damon to put on her nighttime cloth diaper, and he forgets the cover...everything was damp the next morning.
- I won a Dyson DC31 handheld vacuum in a giveaway at the blog What's That Smell? I am still flipping out. I can't wait to get my grubby, little hands on it!
Check out this announcement about my upcoming Valentine Giveaways
Your daughter is so beautiful!! Congrats on making it through daddy's trip, the first time is always tough!
Thanks for the visit, I'm your newest follower :)
What a cutie-pie! Way to go winning the Dyson. Have a great week!
aww! she's gorgeous!!! A hand held vacuum! Thats cool!I want one and need one!!
I think she is looking more and more like you every week! Very cute picture. I love babies right after their bath.
She has such a beautiful face! Really gorgeous. Love that she enjoys giggling :)
Marlie is beautiful!
Thank you for stopping by ..i don't like mama!
Yay! for the roll and congratulations on the win. What a beautiful baby!
Yay! for the roll and congratulations on the win. What a beautiful baby!
That picture is absolutely adorable.
Oh my, she is absolutely adorable!!! I'm a new follower to your blog. I love it, soo cute, and what a fun name for your blog. Also, I loved your post for today about Haiti. If we all give a little, it will help a lot.
That's sweet that she laughs so much! Sometimes I enjoy hubby's business trips, when the kids and I tend to do some special things that we only do when he's gone (i.e stay in pj's all day, certain meals, all sleep in one bed, etc.)
That is exactly why my husband left active duty Army. He was gone 185 days of the year. And with a 2 year old and a newborn I was losing it! So now he is in the Guard and rarely is gone overnight. During that time I got such a respect for single moms.
What a little cutie. Congrats on the vacumn cleaner!!
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