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Flashback Friday: Decade in Review

Friday, January 1, 2010

I decided to do a pictorial of the events that shaped my life this past decade. If you have trouble reading the captions, click on the photo to see them enlarged. As I was crafting this post, I noticed that I now have 92 followers...only 8 more to go to complete my challenge and giveaway! Wouldn't it be spectacular if I was able to get 100 followers and award the prize package today?! Help me get 8 more followers...tell your friends to join Marlie and Me in 2010. Happy New Decade!!!
decade in review in pictures


Anonymous said... 1

That's great!
Happy New Year!

Cole said... 2

Stopping by from SITS! I love the photo collage. Such a creative and wonderful idea! Enjoy 2010!

Anonymous said... 3

Love the flashbacks, adorable way to put it!

Happy New Year!

Darcel said... 4

Love the pictures! It's amazing how much our lives change and the things we do in a decade.

Happy New Year!

Kim @ What's That Smell said... 5

We got married in 2000 as well.

Happy New Year!

I love the collage, I might have to steal the idea. Borrow. I meant borrow. Truly, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. :)

Felicia said... 6

Wow! This is great!! Happy New Year!

Lauren said... 7

I'm very sorry for the delay in coming to say hello, but wanted to thank you for swinging by my blog on Monday for my SITS day. Hope you have a very happy new year!


The Redhead Riter said... 8

That's cool how you did it. I should do that for Alyssa when she graduates from high school :o)

Maureensk said... 9

Wow! Cool graphical-type stuff! What was your first blog about? That wasn't your pregnancy blog right? Happy New Year!

Unknown said... 10

Thanks everyone for the compliments on this post! Graphic design/desktop publishing is one of my hobbies.

@ Maureen: my first blog was a personal journal called Pieces of Reese (my childhood nickname). It lasted exactly one post. LOL!

Anonymous said... 11

Happy SITS Saturday sharefest!
Your pictorial is SO cool- its amazing to look back and see how much life happens in 10 years.

Alison said... 12

Thanks for visiting my blog for SITS Saturday! Your blog is really cute! I love your timeline! Great idea!

Betty Manousos said... 13

Teresha, loved your flash backs!.
Sorry, for being late in comments.Too many things to do lately.
hugs hugsxxx

Niks La Mode. said... 14

love the flashback!!! cantu see am about to become a faithful follower lol!!! xxx

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