Other happenings this week:
- On the sleep front: After reading tons of websites and considering books, we decided to just follow our guts and stop worrying about how to get Marlie to stop waking up at night so frequently. I actually feel more rested now that I have stopped fretting about it. One thing we realized is that Marlie does need a wind-down routine at night to signal bedtime. After her last feeding, her daddy reads her a book in the rocking chair...no more tantrums when it's time to go to bed.
- Marlie is getting up on all fours (table pose for you yoga enthusiasts), but she can only push backwards and she usually backs up into a wall or under a bookcase. It's like watching one of those remote-controlled toy cars that get stuck and can't turn around.
- Our city got more than a foot of snow on Thursday and Friday. Guess who took this picture of our house? Here's a clue: NOT ME!

You're lucky to have a good eater! My daughter was not having anything pureed when she was a little squirt. It's awesome to feed a little person that really wants to eat.
That's great that she is eating so well. None of my kids took to solids well. We're still trying to get V to eat more than she nurses and she is 16 months! I wish we wold get some snow! I know you don't like the cold, but I like it and we've had no snow this winter.
Adorable pics! It is amazing that she ate it all the first time. She really was ready!
We tried with Lewis this weekend and he didn't take to the rice cereal too well. It was only the first time though so no big deal. I'm going to try mashed avocado today. I have to do something to head off The Mister from giving him cereal in a bottle - yikes!
The snow is beautiful on your house!!!! I've decided with this last snow we had that I really want to live in Colorado or Utah. I am definitely going to retire somewhere there is snow. I might be too old to totally enjoy it, but in my mind I will still be plenty young enough.
Look at her grab that spoon!
Solids might actually help her sleep better so it's great she likes them.
It is so hard to believe how fast she is growing up! She will be walking before we know it.
We finally got some snow (about 3") here on Friday but it quickly melted early Saturday. *BOO* I was really hoping it was last a couple of days. Oh, well. At least I got to see it for a little bit. I have a couple of pics on my post today. Here's the link:
Hope you are enjoying a great week!
Teresa <><
She is so adorable! And it is fun to feed her, isn't it?
Wow, you've gotten lots of snow.
Marlie looks like a good eater!
Love it!
The snow is beautiful on your house!.
Great Pics of your adorable Marlie!
Betty xx
Congrats on the solid food milestone! They grow so quickly!
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