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Flashback Friday: Queen of Hearts

Friday, February 5, 2010

12 week ultrasoundThe date was Feb. 6 2009. We were at my doctor's office for my 12 week prenatal appointment. I was looking forward to a quick check-up and then calling/texting/emailing everyone with the good news that we were expecting. But my OB could not find your heartbeat on the doppler. My heart sank, then it began racing along with the nervous thoughts in my mind. My very compassionate doctor calmly told me not to worry, that we'd just go down the hall to the more powerful ultrasound machine. I bit my lip, held back the tears, silently prayed that you were okay. In less than a minute you pooped up on screen, wiggled, and gave us a wave. The OB turned on the sound and there was your heartbeat...loud and clear, fast and strong. I let the tears flow then. I was so relieved and grateful. That was the day we crowned you queen of our hearts.


wenn said... 1

indeed happy for u!

keyalus said... 2

So sweet! I had a scare early on and was so relieved to come in for an ultrasound at 9 weeks and hear his heart beating.

When I think back to ultrasound times and preggo times, it seems so amazing to me that he is here now and a real little boy. I wonder when that feeling goes away?

The Redhead Riter said... 3

That's beautiful.

And when she is about 12, she will become queen of your wallets.

And when she is 16, she will become queen of your cars and bank account.


Anonymous said... 4

Awww what an experience. I remember the moments before they discovered the heartbeat, it was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the room for that time. You heart almost stops beating it feels like.

My best, Lynn

Betty Manousos said... 5

I know how it feels!
Betty xx

Nikia, May and da kids said... 6

Hey I have an 18 year old son named Marley after Bob Marley = )

Great blog!


Radical Selfie said... 7

Marlie was making sure you knew she was going to be a heart-stopper!! More of those lip-biting, silent-praying moments to come...like when she gets 4 acceptance letters into 4 top Universities and you're waiting to see which one she chooses, or when she's in her first debate team national conference and you're listening to her stunning closing statement, or when she tells you she and her husband will be having a baby and spending a year volunteering in a far off place called...okay, lemme stop now :)

JaelCustomDesigns said... 8

Oh, I know that this is one of those sentimental moments you'll be able to share 4ever and definitely won't forget!

Marlie is such a beautiful blessing, I'm loving your wordless wednesday picture. She's growing so nicely and you always manage to capture her looking right into the camera. She's a natural model!

Busted Kate said... 9

So amazing!! I can't imagine your relief. What a miracle, that tiny little bean became the Marlie of today! :-)

Niks La Mode. said... 10

awww amazing! I remember those dys I still hv my ultrasounds.

Shari@aPsychMommy said... 11

Wow, I can imagine the rollercoaster of emotions on that day!

Krissy said... 12

Everyone has been in that position and I'm glad everything is OK! I was one of those paranoid mommies with BOTH of my kids. :)

Maureensk said... 13

That must have been scary! Sometimes we had trouble getting V's because she was positioned weird, but we were always able to get it with his handheld device. Of course, back in the dark ages, when I had J, they didn't use anything but a stethoscope.

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