I was watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond last week (it's my new thing). If you are not familiar with the show Ray is the goofy, lovable, and often insensitive husband. His wife Debra is the long-suffering homemaker constantly nagging Ray to be more involved in their home life and dealing with her meddling mother-in-law who lives across the street. The have three kids (three blond kids despite the fact that their parents are both dark-haired). Anyhoos...
In this episode, Ray gets an opportunity to go to the Super Bowl and cover it for his newspaper. He decides to take one of his friends and Debra gets upset because she would have enjoyed a weekend away without the kids. Ray tells her he doubts that any the other reporters will bring their wives, but when he get there that's exactly what he sees. He feels bad so he flies Debra down. Ray thinks he'll go play golf and drink with his buddies while Debra hangs out with the other wives. When Debra asks when are they going to spend time together, his answer is in the hotel room. Debra gets mad and announces that she will not be his hotel floozy.
Whoa, I got a case of deja vu at that moment. Way back to 1995 when Damon and I just started dating. He was a resident assistant (RA) at one of the dorms on campus. This meant that every few weekends he was on-call and had remain inside from Saturday to Sunday night to monitor the entire dorm. One weekend he called me at the last minute to say he wanted to go do something with his friends, leaving me with nothing to do on a Friday night. To add insult to injury, he tried to soften the blow by inviting me over on Saturday because he'd be on-call and couldn't go anywhere anyway. Right then I yelled one of the most quoted lines in the history of our relationship, "I'm not your dorm room bunny!" and hung up the phone.
That could have spelled the end of our relationship, but we worked it out. :-)
He hid you indoors! LOL Too cute. And it's a good thing you worked it all out because Marlie is too cute not to have happened. :)
That's too funny!
rotfl. That's right girl! You have to stand up for yourself early in the relationship. That's what you call not lying down. lol
That is too funny!
We love that show - except I too have commented on the blonde kids...LOL
That's a funny story, and even funnier that you found a correlation with the show.
Hmph. Men! LOL
Too funny! Thanks for a good laugh!
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