- a television
- a DVD or Blu-Ray player or Netflix Roku box
- a movie service (I alternate between Netflix and redbox)
- popcorn (I just Damon an old-fashioned stove-top popcorn maker)
- your loved one
This week I recommend: TiMER

Synopsis: In a not-so-far-away future people get timers implanted on their wrists that countdown to when they will meet their soul mate.
My Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this movie's take on digital love. It left me wondering if getting "chipped" to avoid all the bad relationships is a good or bad thing.
Sounds interesting. I'll check out our movie channels and On Demand to see if we have it. This weekend is a movie weekend for us. Going to see inception.
I am following you now!
Happy anniversary for yesterday.
Sounds interesting. I will put it in my netfliz queue right now.
Thanks for the rec. Tonignt's selection is Brooklyn's Finest, and I can't wait to get home and get comfy.
You can also Netflix stream for free if you have a PS3, XBox 360 or Wii. I requested a disc from them and now my Wii gets more use than it has it months!
Thanks for the reco. I never heard of this one but it sounds good. And it has "Anya" from the Buffy TV show in it. Adding to my instant queue now. I'm knee deep in Dexter right now though!
I have never heard of this one. We do Netflix and I am def adding it!
That sounds like my kind of movie. Gonna have to watch it with my hubby.
I've never even heard of that movie. We are big Redbox and Blockbuster Express fans here!
Sounds like an interesting movie!
Sounds interesting - I never heard of it until now! I'll have to check it out.
Very interesting. Thanks for the review. I need a new movie to watch.
One problem with the list...a loved one is not required to have a nice date with oneself LOL Besides, I never interrupt during the climatic parts of a movie!
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