It's been a year of bliss and 100 memories...
- the first time I heard you cry
- the first time I held you in my arms
- the first time I looked into your eyes
- the first time I touched your face
- the first time I kissed your sweet cheeks
- the first time I nursed you
- the first time you burped
- the first time you spit up
- the first day we brought you home
- the first time I gave you a bath
- the first time I combed your hair
- the first time you got the hiccups
- the first time you sneezed
- The first time I sang to you
- The first time I rocked you to sleep
- the first time I watched you sleep
- the first time I changed your diaper
- the first time you had a blowout
- the first time you peed on my shirt
- the first time you cooed
- the first time you held my finger
- the first time you grabbed my hair
- the first time you scratched me
- the first time I clipped your fingernails
- the first time you smiled
- the first time you went to a party
- the first time you rolled over
- The first time you got a cold
- the first time you coughed
- the first time I wore you in sling
- the first time you discovered your reflection in the mirror
- the first Halloween costume I put on you
- the first time you slept for 4 straight hours at night
- the first time you wrapped your arms around my neck
- the first time you got cradle cap
- the first time you babbled
- the first time you waved hello
- your first Thanksgiving
- the first time you met your grandmas
- your first Christmas
- Your first new year
- your first play date
- the first time you sat on your daddy's shoulders
- the first time you got a shot
- the first time you played with your feet
- the first time you laughed when I tickled you
- the first time we spent the night alone when daddy was gone
- the first time you splashed water in the tub
- the first time you got hold of paper and ripped it to shreds
- the first time you petted the dog
- the first time you sat up
- the first time you fell off the bed
- the first time you crawled
- the first time you ate solid food
- the first time you picked something off the floor and put it in your mouth
- your first winter snowfall
- your first Easter dress
- the first time you said dada
- the first time you said ma
- your first trip to the lake
- your first invitation to a birthday party
- the first time you got a boo boo
- your first tooth
- the first time you bit me
- the first time you gnawed the wood off your crib side
- the first time you pulled yourself upright
- the first time someone said you look like me
- your first sippy cup
- the first time you clapped your hands
- the first time you ate some newspaper and pooped it out later
- your first plane ride
- the first time we went down a slide
- the first time you met your aunts and uncles and cousins
- the first time you stood up
- the first step you took
- the first time you fed yourself
- the first time you picked your nose
- the first time I gave you a bubble bath
- the first time you tried to eat bubbles
- your first ride in our new car
- the first time you took off your diaper
- the first time you climbed off our bed
- the first Mother's Day we spent together with your daddy at Urgent Care
- the first time you gave me a kiss
- the first time you "flirted" with someone
- the first time you shook your head "no" and "yes"
- the first time you danced to music
- the first time you sang
- your first trip to the zoo
- the first day you went to school
- the first time you got in a pool
- the first time you smeared food on your face and in your hair
- the first time you made fish lips
- the first time you walked
- the first time you climbed the stairs on your own
- the first time you heard thunder and got scared
- your first road trip
- the first time you had coconut ice cream
- the first time you ate a bug
- the first time I told you "I love you"
Happy Birthday Marlie!!!
Happy First Birthday Marlie!!!
I remember when you were pregnant, wow times just scoots on by way too fast.
Happy Birthday Marlie!! The first year of so many, full of discoveries, growth and love.
She really is a beautiful little girl, with such a beautiful Mama to learn from. Reading through your list I thought of all of my daughter's firsts and the ones I still have to look forward too...the list will continue growing forever. Lovely post ; )
Happy Birthday Marlie!
I hope Mommy let you have a taste of "real" cake yesterday. LOL!
Happy birthday a date late! I hope it was awesome for all of you. And I hope you took LOTS of pics :)
Happy Birthday MARLIE!!!!!!Wonderful memories and she's growing so fast.
Happy Birthday to your baby girl and congrats to you!
I love #70!! "the first time you ate some newspaper and pooped it out later"
Such a great list!
I hope you read our comments to her. LOL
Happy Birthday, Marlie! Hi Teresha...your baby is just beautiful! I'm stopping by at the suggestion of a mutual bloggy friend, Teresa from Too Many Heartbeats. She said you were a Georgia girl too! :) I'm originally from Dekalb Cty as well...so nice to meet you. You have a beautiful blog here. Stop by and visit when you can.
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is
Happy Belated Mummerversary
saying hello from WhendidIbecomemymom
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