First, we survived Roseola. It's a common and not life-threatening childhood illness, but I was shaken to my core when Marlie clocked a 104.1 fever the Thursday before last. I rushed her to the pediatrician where her ears and mouth checked all clear, so her doc did a blood draw and it came back as a viral infection. We gave her some ibuprofen Thursday and Friday. By Saturday her appetite was back and she seemed back to normal. But on Sunday (her birthday, no less) she woke up covered head-to-toe in blotchy, red welts. I thought it was hives, but she wasn't scratching. A few days later, I found a clue while reading Brandy's Facebook status. Her daughter Orlaith came down with the same red splotches a few days after Marlie and was diagnosed with Roseola. Kids are like giant petri dishes.
The next survival challenge was Marlie's 1st birthday party. I think it was a huge success! We had balloons, bubbles, and Mother Goose came by to sing songs and tell stories. Marlie had a great time with her little buddies. Yes, we let her have a regular cake. Damon made her a bear cake using the Build-A-Bear cake pan I picked up at Ross. It turned out beautifully (see photo)! But, no she did not like it. She just does not have a sweet tooth. She did, however love the strawberry rice milk ice cream. That's my girl!

Marlie is now going to Montessori school two half-days and she is thriving. On Friday, she removed our nesting bowls from the bottom cabinet, separated them and re-stacked them in the correct order. She also knows how to put coins in her piggy bank.
What else?...
Oh! She sleep through the night on Friday! She went to bed around 6:30 pm but kept waking up. I nursed her, but she seemed restless. Around 9 pm, I made myself a snack of raw oats in almond milk and she opened her mouth. I gave her a taste. I made her a bowl of cereal from quinoa flakes. She gobbled it up! She fell asleep around 9:30 and did not wake up until 6 am! She slept right through her usual 2 am feeding. I am going to start giving her snacks before bed.
Don't forget to enter my Blogversary $25 iTunes Giveaway!
Happy birthday to Marlie...
Sound it has a great birthday celebration...
Glad to hear Marlie was get well...
Wishing you all have a very happy weekend!
V hasn't had roseola, but 3/4 of my older kids did. It's scary since you don't know until the fever breaks that it was roseola. Happy birthday Marlie!
My son 'allegedly' had roseola when he was 5. he was hospitalized for 3 days because his fever wouldn't stay down. it went as high as 106 multiple times.
I love that picture of the 3 of you! And that cake rocks. He's a hunk and bakes too.
All that good stuff, hurrah! I'm glad baby is OK!! We have a bday coming up here in a few days if you wanna swing on over and help me w/a cake. ;) :) That cake is really cute!
Happy BDay, Marlie!!
Love the family photo! You all are absolutely glowing, and I'm sure LOVE is a big part of that :) I'm glad Marlie (and her parents) survived her li'l scare! And wowzers, it's been a year already! Happy EarthStrong, Marlie! God's continued blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS FROM ATLANTA)
So very scary! I'm so glad she is better. Happy Birthday Marlie! What a gorgeous family you have!! I posted an award for you on my blog today.
aww she looks too cute in that dress! Princess J has a birthday coming up in Oct. She's having a costume party since her bday is the day before Halloween. It should be a good time :)
Yippie for sleeping through the night. Poor Marlie! I bet she was feeling awful!
Happy Belated birthday to her! The cake and outfit is fabulous.
Thanks for stopping by my new about the issues I am having! I miss visiting other blogs, things have been crazy here.
Happy Birthday to one of the cutest little girls in blogland!!! Love the family picture :)
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