It was the currency of our formative years, especially on the playground. If your foot didn't connect with the ball during a high-stakes game of kickball or you messed up your turn at the ropes in double dutch you just yelled, "do-over!"
As we got older we learned that there were no do-overs in life, no take-backs. Are there moments in my life that I would go back and do over if I had the chance? Surprisingly, no...and I'll tell you why. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe everything that I have experienced shaped who I am today and who I am meant to be. Like the Butterfly Effect, if I were to change even a single life event then I would not be the wife and mother I am now. I would not risk my life with Damon and Marlie to erase any of the hurts, headaches, or heartbreaks. Every mistake I made has brought me to this point and I wouldn't undo any of it.
I think this song by Faith Evans pretty much sums it up...
This post was written for Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop.

I completely agree with you. Butterfly effect was an excellent comparison. He never came back better. Our lives are what they are meant to be. Could we have done things differently? Sure, but it doesn't mean we'd be better off.
I feel the same way. Even bad things helped shape the way I am today, so I can't really want to change them!
That is a great song. Totally sums things up. :)
I so agree that we are a product of all our experiences. Great song!
I am with you. There was a lot of heartache and pain that could have been avoided. Had I done that, all the really good stuff in my life would not be there. Sure, different good stuff would be, but why would I ever be willing to give up my son for something different.
I agree as well. Life is what we make it and we must live with the choices we make. They make us who we are and allow us to change and grow from those choices.
I completely agree. Without a yesterday, there'd be no today. Today's too good to miss.
A Long Drive
Very, very powerful!
I totally agree with you. Yes, I wish I had done A LOT of things differently to begin with. HOWEVER, the things that I have been through that have been extremely difficult and so very painful, have made me a much stronger person. They have also made my relationships with others, who have been through those tough times with me, much stronger, too. I wouldn't change that for the world.
Thanks for sharing this with us today. I'm glad you are who you are. :0)
Teresa <><
I agree that we are who we are as a result of our successes and failures. But, if we had the real opportunity to "do-over", I wonder how often we would!
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