Peter Rabbit Organics 100% fruit puree pouches come in three tasty flavors: Strawberry and Banana, Apple and Grape, and Mango, Banana and Orange. There is no sugar added, no artificial additives, and best of all it's all organic!
You can check out Peter Rabbit Organics on Facebook and Twitter.
Our verdict: I wasn't sure if Marlie was going to be able to handle the squeezable pouch, but it was easy. She had no problem feeding herself, but she also had no problem turning the pouch upside down and squirting fruit puree over everything. It got a little messy! Her favorite was the Mango, Banana and Orange flavor. The 3.5 oz size pouch was more than she could consume in one sitting, so I put on the resealable cap and refrigerated the rest. The next day I placed the pouch in my purse before we left the house. When she needed a snack I handed her the snack pouch and continued my shopping without missing a beat...so convenient!

Buy it: Peter Rabbit Organics fruit pouches are available at Starbucks nationwide, in select Whole Foods Markets and natural food stores, in all Buy Buy Baby stores, and online at Amazon.com, Diapers.com, and BabiesRUs.com.
Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to win 10 assorted fruit pouches thanks to Peter Rabbit Organics!
Mandatory first entry: Visit Peter Rabbit Organics and find the nearest store where you can purchase the fruit puree pouches and then leave it in a comment here. If you are commenting as Anonymous, please include first name and an email address
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Grab my button (leave the URL where I can find it)
- This giveaway will end on 8/22/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- NEW RULE: the winner has one (1) month from the date of claiming the prize to report any problems (lost shipment, broken product). I will not be responsible for resolving issues after this time.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Void where prohibited.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

Cool! I just heard of another brand that makes applesauces like this, but I like the variety of flavors. According to the website, our nearest store is Whole Foods. I'm not sure if the search includes Starbucks, which we have three of. I'll try to buy some tomorrow when I go there, it would be wonderful to find something V likes that is portable.
The website said Buy Buy Baby near the Galleria. I know there are plenty of Starbucks around as well!
i follow you via GFC
i have your button
Hey Teresha! Went to the Peter Rabbit site and unfortunately they don't sell their products within a 25 mile radius of my house ; ( But they sell it at the Plum Market in Bloomfield MI by my Grandmother's so maybe I can check it out there.
I'm definitely a Google Friends follower!!
And I subscribe...
And I can't believe I haven't done it before but I'm adding your button to my blog tonight!
Well nothing came up in the store locator for me but we have a Starbucks about 20 minutes away, maybe they have them. I hope so, my daughter would love them!
This is really cool. I can get it at Whole Foods on Ponce.
I follow through Google friends.
All I can say is that stuff has sure improved over the last seventeen years!
look at Ms. Marlie ;)
They sell these at the Whole Foods I often visit for lunch. I will have to check them out when I'm picking up baby food next time!
I'm a GFC follower.
I can buy them (and I have!) at the Syracuse Carosel Mall Starbucks.
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
At our local starbucks!
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Mommy Minded
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Whole Foods in Raleigh is the closest location to me.
I follow in GFC
It says the closest store to me is Buy Buy baby.
I follow with GFC.
This is at my local starbucks! hbi2010@yahoo.com
This is at my local starbucks! hbi2010@yahoo.com
I am now following you via google hbi2010@yahoo.com
I cannot buy them anywhere around me! Waaaa!!
Thanks for the opportunity
newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com
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newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com
Starbucks is my closest! leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am a GFC. leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com
It said it didn't have a location near me, but there is a starbucks near.
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Button on my blog; http://atimetobestill.blogspot.com/
I did the search up to 25 miles from my zipcode but it says there are no stores. That's not true though, the Starbucks that's only 3 miles away from me sells them individually in their cooler. I know because I buy them for my youngest when I go in there. angiewith3 at live dot com
I'm a new follower on gfc. angiewith3 at live dot com
starbucks in Racine, WI:)
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Ha! I have a starbucks right on the corner in chicago...Nice to know :D
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Our closest location is at Top Foods Grocery - 6 miles away.
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I can get them at the whole foods 5 minutes from my house!
The nearest store for me is:
Vitamin City
6247 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90808
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a new follower publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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