- amber teething necklace
- maple wood teething ring
- homeopathic teething tablets
- 1 drop of clove oil diluted in 1 tbsp of olive oil rubbed on gum to numb pain
- wrap an ice cube in a washcloth and let baby suckle
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I was lucky; my babies weren't that bothered by teething. Teenaged boys, on the other hand, are proving to be far more painful! :) Stopping by from SITS!
We used the homeopathic teething tablets all the time.
I have TWO babies teething right now. Not fun! My almost 2 year old has his molars coming in and my 10 month old still has not popped his first tooth. Should be anytime now. Thanks for the great advice!
i can recommend these for teething.
our daughter was an absolute nightmare with her teeth until we tried this. she has been wearing it since she was 8 months old and we haven't looked back since. i never take hers off, she sleeps with it on too. i have heard from a few people that take their lo's necklaces off at night and they all say that they still get sleepless nights due to teething. i think that they should be worn 24hrs a day. i feel quite happy that they are not a choking hazard. the necklace has a low breaking strain so if it had to get caught on something(an unlikely occurence) then it would snap. if it were to snap for any reason, each bead has been double knotted on, so that they wouldn't all fall off. i got mine off an Latvian Amber store. it was $15, so not expensive at all.
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