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Wordless Wednesday: Caught in the Act

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


be said... 1

Too funny. My WW was "caught" too! :)

ChildTalk said... 2

Too funny. My WW was "caught" too!

Unknown said... 3

Thanks for linking up! We're following you now!
She is sooooo cute! What is it with babies and TP?????

Auntie E said... 4

Oh yes those days of exploring,lol. Great capture, Memories to hide until you need them,lol.
A Piece of History

Felicia said... 5

I remember when Graham found this fascinating!!

BTW.. she is growing so fast!!!!

septembermom said... 6

When I saw your post title, I was excited to see what cute Marlie was doing. Maybe she'll be a creative decorator someday. LOL.

Rae said... 7

So funny. LOL. My little one has started getting into the toilet paper and always tries to look so innocent when I catch him.

feefifoto said... 8

Eek! She's getting ready for high school.

keyalus said... 9

It isn't enough to unroll it...they have to rip it up too! We are forever running out of toilet paper so this phase annoys me a whole lot LOL.

Cakeblast said... 10

Too funny..I guess this happens to every parent at one time or another.

Rhonda said... 11

At least she kept it OUTSIDE of the toilet! She is too cute!

allthingsnew said... 12

So cute! She was definitely caught in the act :) I wonder why they love toilet paper so much?
My lady can't open the freezer just yet, but soon, very soon...and then we're in big trouble!

stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

Help! Mama Remote... said... 13

Her and that tissue!!!LOL

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 14

Uh oh! They all eventually find the toilet paper at some point in their toddler years. And they are always so fascinated with it!

Maureensk said... 15

Ha ha! Too funny and cute! Thanks for the chuckle!

The Redhead Riter said... 16

That is really a cute picture! As long as she doesn't eat it, you're okay LOL

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