It's not a widely-known or mainstream event.
I have to thank Se'lah at Necessary Room for bringing this day to my attention. Se'lah has proposed that we all perform a random act of kindness today. Can you imagine the global impact if we all just showed a little compassion for someone else on this day? She calls it lift as you climb.
Helping your fellow man is as easy as opening up a web browser. There are thousands of wonderful organizations that need donations. But let's not limit ourselves to checkbook charity. I think the real intent of today is to help someone face-to-face. Look into his/her eyes and empathize with that person's plight.
I posted on Thursday about how I plan to demonstrate my capacity to be kind today. I put together care packages of toiletries to deliver to a women's shelter and Damon is driving me around downtown to hand out pairs of new socks to homeless men.
Let's all lift up the human race today. Go out and be kind.
Simply AMAZING!!! I can only imagine how appreciative all your recipients will be. Thanks so much for joining in.
Happy World Kindness Day! one love.
I did a kindness yesterday, there was a woman and her son ringing the bells collecting money for The Salvation Army and my she was sooo sweet and nice and just a JOY to talk to. My daughter and I bought her a coffee gift set and her son a collectible car and gave them to her on the way out.
She just exemplified the Spirit of Christmas and I felt compelled to let her know she was a special lady.
I'm am not surprised by your actions Kim...you are selfless, kind, and thoughtful on a daily basis!
I wish people practiced kindness every day. The world would be such a better place to live.
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