I have been quietly observing my husband as a father. I give him major props (that's a sociology term, look it up) for how well he's adapted to parenting, especially since he did not grow up around babies. I, on the other hand, have five siblings. I never lived in a house without a baby in it until I left for college.
I really thought that becoming parents would narrow the gender gap for me and my other half. You know where he'd become more emotionally available and I'd remain perfect. Wishful thinking!
I decided to get to try and crack the gender code as dreams of winning a Nobel Prize danced in my head. So, I created a survey, grabbed a clipboard, donned a white coat, and spent days in the lab with my subjects. No, not really. I did, however, study my husband as if he were a lab rat. I did not find any definitive answers, but I did make some interesting conclusions:
- Did you know that men wash while women clean?
- Did you know that men remember sports stats while women remember birthdays and anniversaries?
- Did you know that men start the day wondering what things they can avoid doing while women start the day wondering what things they can accomplish?
- Did you know that men need to be swept up after while women need to be swept off their feet?
footnote: I am not a scientist (in case you haven't figured that out already). This is my tongue-in-cheek perspective on the differences between men and women. It's meant to be funny and meant to be read with a healthy sense of humor. Please take my theories with a grain of sugar.
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Great differences, indeed between men and women.
Well said. :)
I love this post!
You have always something worthwhile to say, Teresha.
Wising you a great week ahead!
Big hugs!
B xx
wow! perfect timing on this post as DH and I have been talking about differences between us esp. in raising our LO. the one about avoidance vs. accomplishments is so true. i believe if only one man (who was born biologically male)in the history of humankind could actually experience giving birth it would be so eye-opening for all men that it would change forever the way the sexes relate to each other. until that happens it is my believe that there will always be a gulf between us.
I think you nailed them LOL
Very cute and soooo true! Since the kids came along, I feel that the differences between my husband and I have been more defined. I'm trying to help the race by being conscious of how I raise these boys!
Perfect! I needed this today! Thanks Mama!
So true.
Oh my gosh, this is too funny! Sadly, it's too true also...
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