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Easy Organic Living Challenge #3: Give a Meal a Makeover

Friday, April 8, 2011

Your family’s food should be safe and nutritious because what’s more important than the health of your child? Choosing certified organic food is a simple way to help promote health. You can do it by taking small steps that have a big impact.

Your challenge: This week, prepare a meal for your family that includes at least one organic ingredient.

  1. Choose one of your favorite family meals to adapt.
  2. Identify at least one ingredient from that meal to buy organic.
  3. Enjoy making food! Savor the sights, smells, and textures and encourage children too, as well.
  • Wondering which organic ingredients to start with? Try those that your family eats the most — milk, meats, yogurt, fruits, vegetables.
  • Find deals and discounts on organic foods by using this guide.
  • Use one of the following tools to learn about risky chemicals in specific foods:
  • There’s an app for that! Check out this app: iScan My Food - This iPhone app allows you to scan food ingredients and contains information on harmful food additives, toxic ingredients in food and genetically modified foods.
Remember to register at Baby Center to join the Easy Organic Living Group. Share your meal makeover in the comments on the Challenge Post.

Enter my Easy Organic Challenge Gift Bag Giveaway, ends April 30th!


septembermom said... 1

I like this challenge Teresha. I'll give it a try. Thanks!

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