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Baby Log: 1 Year and 37 Weeks Old

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms out there! I hope you are enjoying a spa day, breakfast in bed, a lovely brunch with your family, a moving church service, or some sleep!

Do me a solid and read/comment on these guests posts on 21st Century Motherhood:

Following Your Instincts
I Will Not Be My Mother!
No Right Choices for the Modern Mama
How My Daughter Raised Me
Staying at Home and Loving It

Marlie and Me are just happy to be celebrating another day as mother and daughter. I don't know what the husband unit has planned, but he knows he has to make up for last Mother's Day which I spent taking him to the emergency clinic for bronchitis. I'll update this post later with what we did. [update: I got to sleep until 7 am (wee!), my Mother's Day present was a new LUMIX digi camera...way better than the other crap I was using before, we went on a 4-mile walk, then off to brunch, back home we lounged around but Marlie didn't want to relax and soon got very cranky (blame it on the 5:45 wake up). We went to the store to get some sorbet and she threw a full-blown tantrum on the way home that lasted 15 minutes. It wouldn't be Mother's Day if it was too perfect]

As for this past week...
  • Marlie is becoming a more like a big girl everyday. Suddenly, she is skipping and singing along to songs (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is a favorite) and asking her daddy to slap high-fives.
  • She also started going to bed at night unassisted. No rocking, no rubbing her back, no sitting next to her bed until she falls asleep. There have been a few nights where she has resisted going to bed alone, staying up until 9 pm, but largely she's falling asleep alone...Amen!
  • On Saturday, we went to our real estate agent's annual client party at the zoo. It was hot! A lot of the animals were MIA, probably asleep in the shade while us dumb humans baked in the sun. One highlight was the giraffe exhibit. The have an enclosure where you can touch and feed them! It was awesome...Pictures on Wordful Wednesday!
  • We got home kind of late and I put Marlie in her crib for her nap. A few minutes later she was wailing. I got up and before I reached the door to her room, the smell of poop hit my nose. Girlfriend had removed her diaper, but it gets worse...she smeared the poop in her hair! I just could not believe what my eyes were seeing, but somehow I swung into action. I called for Damon while I grabbed Marlie and plopped her in the bathtub. I scrubbed her down then wiped the chunks of poo out of her hair with a washcloth. Damon got in the tub to lean her backward while I shampooed and rinsed her hair (I didn't want poo water getting in her eyes and risking her getting pink eye). I then soaped her up again. I was toweling her off when I smelled her hair...still funky! Another round of shampoo with a few drops of essential oil to kill the bacteria. He hair smelled clean after that. I am still in shock. What would possess her to rub poop in her hair?!?
  • Me? I'm still working out 5 days a week...3 days of Insanity and 2 days of P90X. Yes, it feels good!


The Redhead Riter said... 1

Happy Mother's Day to all women - mothers and all those who want to be a mother!

I hope you have a wonderful day with your sweet family.

Kimberly Grabinski said... 2

Happy Mother's Day Teresha!!!!

Alexia said... 3

Happy Mother's Day! Sounds like you had a good one!

Glad the poop-explosion was NOT today. No idea what would possess the child to put poop in her hair. Soooooo not looking forward to that phase! But going to bed by herself? Can't wait!

Maureensk said... 4

Happy Mother's Day! Coolness on the camera! Ummm, yuck on the poo. Thank goodness, none of my kids have ever done that type of thing. I think it is pretty common for kids to do though. Certainly, I've known of lots of kids who have done things. Some even will smear it all over the wall!

keyalus said... 5

Happy Mother's Day!

I think we have the same camera. I love mine.

Who on the poop in the crib. I always get stuck with the poop in the tub action! If I ever clean poop out of the bathtub again it will be too soon.

The unassisted sleep at night is so nice. Lewis has been doing it for a minute now. I seriously think we were letting him stay up too later before and letting him get overtired. Most nights he goes down without a peep or a cry. Nap time is sometimes another story...

keyalus said... 6

Oh and glad you found a groove with the exercise mix. I've heard P90X can get a little boring day in and day out.

Anonymous said... 7

Yay on the sleep! I knew she would get into a groove soon enough.

Booo on the poop. What's that about Marlie girl!? Smh lol.

And I hope mothers day was awesome!

Mama Up! said... 8

Happy Mother's Day! Re: the poop, you think you've finally seen it all, and then one day they go and do something like that! Ack!

Kim said... 9

Happy Mother's Day Teresha! I've had a couple of sick kids (one is still sick). I am definitely coming back to read the posts I missed. What a great platform you created to voice all sorts of us who make up this role called mother. Hugs friend!

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