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Welcome to the new Marlie and Me!
I hope you love the new design by Christina of Visual Luxe as much as I do. I threw a bunch of colors and a the word "tropical" at her and she worked her magic. She is a wizard!
I am still getting used to my pretty new blog, especially the added pages. It's going to take a while to get it all organized and work out any bugs, so let me know if you see a kink somewhere.
Thanks for your support during this transition!
It was an overwhelming week at our house. It started early Monday with Marlie being abducted by aliens and substituted with an evil impersonator. The bad alien "Marlie" kicked and hit me, climbed and jumped off of things, threw objects, refused to cooperate and had me saying, "Lord, take the case!"
Then just when I think the body snatchers have returned my real baby on Wednesday in time for her first gymnastics class, I am proven wrong. I pick up a feverish alien from school that afternoon. The alien doesn't want to eat or drink anything and is irritable. Ibuprofen helps. It gets worse the next day though. The alien still has a fever, still won't eat, drinks very little and is howling like a wounded animal. Plus, the alien is drooling a lot. I call the pediatrician, but they don't know how to care for aliens. Kidding. I get the "it's-probably-a-virus-push fluids-monitor fever-come-in-if-symptoms-worsen." I Google "excessive drooling + fever in babies" and get hits for Coxsackievirus infection otherwise known as "hand, foot, and mouth" disease. I'm not surprised since Marlie is forever putting crap in her mouth, but she doesn't have the rash on her hands or feet. To be on the safe side though I keep her home on Thursday just in case her saliva is contagious.
Thursday was the longest day of my life. She cried nonstop, whined when she wasn't crying, clung to me like superglue, took little catnaps in my arms, sniffled during her restless naps, screamed bloody murder if I tried to put her down, and soaked three of my shirts with drool. Did I mention that I am PMSing through all of this? This is one area where my maternal instincts fail me. When it comes to taking care of a sick child, all I seem capable of doing is taking temperatures and administering medicine. I apparently have poor bedside manner. I expect my patient to lie still, eat and drink when offered, and sleep it off. Marlie, of course, is not going to be sick according to my expectations. She doesn't suffer in silence and it makes me miserable not to be able to get her to calm down and get comfortable.
Friday was hardly any better, but at least she was asking for food. Comfort food I can do! I got her some homemade chicken soup and saltines.
We had a wedding to go to on Saturday and, while I normally treat weddings like a visit to the OB/GYN (an obligatory and awkward engagement on my calendar), I was looking forward to being away from the Marlie-droid (the aliens abductors still had the real Marlie). We shared a babysitter with another couple. This is the first time I let a stranger watch my child. I was proud of (and surprised at myself) for not backing out. I really must have needed a break.
The babysitter was super. I told her all about Marlie's recent illness and she theorized that Marlie might be getting her 2nd-year molars. That would make sense since she has been chewing on things again. We left for the wedding feeling like Marlie was in good hands. We checked in on them before the reception. Marlie was gaga for the other couple's little boy. She kept trying to hug him and hold his hand. He tolerated her advances for a little while then he wanted to be left alone. Marlie mistook his aloofness as playing hard-to-get and gave chase. She started hitting him when he wouldn't be caught. He was a perfect gentleman and didn't hit back. I don't know what I am going to do with our little bully. Introduce her to a bigger bully, maybe?
love the new blog design :D
sorry to hear about the alien abduction, hope you get her back soon...
Awww poor baby. I hope she feels better soon. Love the new design!
WOW! The new designs is AWESOME! I know you already told me who did it once, but I'd love it if you told me again ;-)
P.S. I would grab your button but I don't see the code in the box?
ooooh it's soooooooooooo purdy in here! I love it!
I'm on my mobile, I can see the colors but I'm sure I'm missing the whole experience. I'll be back to see when I'm on my pc. I can't believe Marlie is acting like that. She's too cute. LOL I wish I could tell you that at 3 & the teen years are better.
I love the new design. Told you christina was awesome!
Poor marlie and those molars :(
Little man was handsome. She has good taste lol
First of all the new blog is beautiful!
Secondly, I feel your pain! Apparently alien abductions are on the rise because they came and took Orlaith Friday night! She is getting 2 molars and an incisor right now, with the other 2 molars and incisor right behind those. She has been feverish, cranky, crying and not sleeping (which means I am not sleeping). She's also learned to spit out the medicine I give her, which makes medicating her extreme pain very difficult!
The new look is awesome! I love the pictures. I thought of molars as soon as I read about her symptoms. I remember when Deaglan was getting them. You nailed it - alien invasion. Only they haven't left since:) We had a wedding this weekend too.
I love the new design as well. It's good to have help to enjoy an event!
I am SO in love with the new blog design! It's so great! Ugh... the toddler years are upon you. Welcome to my world, aka the dark side. LOL. And that on top of a fever... no bueno! At least you were able to get away for the wedding. What a lovely picture of you guys!
Oh, how sad, I hope she and you are feeling better. Two of my kids had Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease and it is not pleasant. You'd probably have noticed sores in her mouth if she had it. I think they can have it and not get the sores on all three parts, but they'd at least have the sores in one of the places. Sometimes it seems like there are new diseases out there that weren't around when we were little. I never heard of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease until I had kids, nor had I heard of roseola or having allergic reactions to viruses or....
Second year molars? Ugh! Something else fun to look forward to!
I LOVE LOVE the new look! It is perfect for summer!!! And eeee teething is icky...LOL! You and hubby look awesome! Sorry Marlie is icky sicky:( I hope she feels better soon!!
You and hubby look so adorable. It's great that you too had some alone time
Cristina is so talented! The new design is great!
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