My Birthday! It was yesterday and it was fun! Damon and Marlie made me breakfast. For gifts I received an 8GB SanDisk for my new camera, lots of chocolate, and a copy of the book "Lit: A Memoir." My 89-yr-old grandma remembered and called me to wish me a happy birthday...that was the best! Damon hired a babysitter all by himself and we went to dinner and then saw BRIDESMAIDS at the movie theater. It was gut-busting funny...go see it!
- Some of you know how I feel about high fructose corn syrup (and partially hydrogenated oils), which is why I found this SNL clip so stinkin' hilarious! It captures the of stereotypes of the hyper-vigilante mom vs. the mom who lets her kids do anything. A perfect and funny depiction of both extremes.
What are you loving this Thursday?! Leave it in your comment :-)
Aaaw, Happy Belated!!!
Damon sounds wonderful! Shout out to fabulous husbands who understand how to make their wives happy!!!
Happy birthday! You're awesome, and only going to get more so!
Aw that was so sweet of your grandma. Glad you had a good day. Glad you're not loving that game last night. LOL #GoBulls
Happy Belated Birthday! Hired a babysitter all by himself? Wow, sounds like a great day.
And that clip is HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing it!
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