So much has happened these past five years. I grew up a lot. I learned to love and trust myself. I packed up my life and moved southwest with my husband. I took control of my health, and I became a mom.
Motherhood is the most defining experience of my life...far above earning degrees, having a career, or even getting married. It has changed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. After almost two years in the role, I think I am finally getting the hang of it.
My gift to myself on my 35th birthday is a pledge to continue working on being the best possible version of myself...to embrace who I am from head to toe, inside and outside. To love my kinky hair, my freckles, my big booty, my runner's thighs, my chicken legs, my phobias (germs) and quirks (I won't eat a fruit that has a blemish). To also love my light brown eyes, my calf muscles, my wicked sense of humor, my bookish intelligence, and my eclectic taste in music, food and friends. My gift to Teresha is happiness with who I am... no regrets, no apologies, no resentments.
I took the long road to get here, but I have arrived and I am so proud of the woman I am today. Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to you my friend! You were born on the same day as my husband?! How crazy is that?
I am so thankful that you were brought into this world 35 years ago today. You have brought wisdom, light, friendship and compassion to my world and I thank you!
Enjoy all that makes you You, cause You is fabulous!
The greatest gifts we give and receive are acceptance, affirmation, and accountability.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and observations on your journey to "you"! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Teresha!!! You are an awesome mom and woman!! It's a pleasure getting to know you here and on FB. You're so right that we need to be happy with who we are right now. Thanks for reminding me too! Have some CAKE!! You know that I can't let a birthday go by without a chocolate shout out :)
I LOVE this post! Happy Birthday, Teresha! Hope it's the best ever - sounds like you're already off to a good start! :)
WW: Curriculum Fair Fun with YoYo's
Happy Birthday Teresha! What a beautiful post!
Happy Birthday lady! Young lady:) I think you are so right about the role of motherhood. And it's not black and white, full of complexities and the more we admit that as women, the better example we set for the likes of Marlie, Deaglan and Naveen. I'm so glad we met through blogging!
Happy birthday friend! I hope you're enjoying yourself. Getting to a point where you love all of yourself is excellent!
Happy Birthday to yo-o-ou,
Happy Birthday to yo-o-ou,
Happy Birthday dear Teresha-a-a,
Happy Birthday to yo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ou!
Happy Birthday to one of the most beautiful women, inside and outside!
I hope that you save this post forever...seriously. Loving oneself is so hard for most women to do. I'm sure you will forget to take your own good advice somewhere along the road of life and you will need a little reminder other than from me (wink)
I loved you from the moment we exchanged our first emails. I'm so glad that you were born into this very complicated world and that I have been blessed to get to know you through our blogging.
I hope some day we can meet face-to-face, slide down the slide at Traildust, complain about the heat of Texas as we get into 110 degree car, and give each other a big hug for all the times we really wanted to share one and couldn't.
I hope your day is beautifully perfect and that you feel special like a princess.
And hey, maybe you are more like Alyssa than me because I didn't think anyone else...
Alyssa & Teresha --->>> "I won't eat a fruit that has a blemish."
See, that alone proves you both are really princesses. :o)
Sending you lots of {{{{huggggssss}}} and love over 1500 miles!
happy birthday! may you have more birthdays to come! :) (PS: I love the new look of the site!)
Happy Birthday Teresha!!! That was a beautiful post!!
Oh noooooooooo, how could i miss one of my best cheerleaders and "friend in my head"'s birthday?? Happy belated birthday!! *sorry:(*
Hope it was all that you wished for, and that your journey continues having wonderful and amazing discoveries!! God bless you, and big hugs :)
I read this post in my reader and meant to comment (commenting from Phone is so annoying!). If I don't do something immediately I forget which sucks. So... happy belated birthday to you!
This blog entry totally excites me! I was thinking today as Hubby and I were talking about our five year plan how 35 seems so close but this excites me because you make it sound beautiful!! I can't wait! I'm gonna enjoy the journey:-)
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