So this week I have been working hard on teaching manners. So far she is saying "please" and "thank you" with some consistency. It is music to my ears when I give her something and she says thank you! She has also mastered covering up her mouth when she sneezes or coughs. Her daddy taught her to ask for help instead of stomping around frustrated. We are also getting more consistent with the discipline. It works wonders when she is getting the same message from both parents as opposed to running to one of us when the other says no. Damon started counting to five as a "warning." The other day he reached #4 and she shouted "5!" She is a total joker. At least she is learning to count.
This week I have noticed that she is having a lot more falls and knocking her head into walls more often. I lost count how many times I have watched her run, trip and face plant onto the floor. She falls hard too. I'm surprised she hasn't knocked out a tooth. Is getting clumsier a growing pain at this age?