Marlie took a giant leap in the potty learning department. She made a poop in the potty! I used the naked booty method and let her run around in her birthday suit with instructions to go sit on the pot when she had to go. It worked like a charm. Now, 15 minutes later she pooped in her nighttime diaper. So, there you have it.
Dora has invaded our home. It all started when Damon brought home some Dora products from a meeting he had with Nickelodeon. Marlie instantly fell for the little explorer. She sleeps with the Dora doll and Dora beach towel. We were at TJ Maxx and she pointed out every item that had a picture of Dora. I didn't realize Dora was so ubiquitous.
Yesterday we went with Brian and Brandy of O' Baby Orlaith to the Genghis Khan exhibit at the Irving Arts Center. I was surprised at how much attention Marlie was paid to the pieces. She was enthralled with the mounted horse, and she wasn't scared of the life-size statues or the Princess Mummy. She especially enjoyed the musical performance.
As for moi...I am in full birthday party planning mode! Did you see my post yesterday asking for your assistance with Marlie's birthday attire? Please help me complete her outfit. I did a video chat on Skype for the first time! I talked to my best friend from college who I haven't seen in 2 year or more. What else? I just started reading The Help. It reminds me a lot of The Color Purple. I also signed up with Pinterest after reading about it on Alternative Housewife and Determined To Be Fit. I was wary at first...was this another social media trend that would fall by the wayside? But I soon realized the genius of Pinterest. It's simply a tool to organize all of your wishlists, favorites, tags, and bookmarks, all in one place! You create board (or categories) for stuff and pin items to them. The first board I created was for all the stuff I wanted to purchase for Marlie's party. It's so convenient having all the products stored on one page instead of me having to remember where I saw them. I have invites if you want to join Pinterest too!
Aww marlie is a man's lady? Is that how you'd say that? Lol too cute. I'm glad she has friends her own age to play with.
I wanna take jas somewhere like that. We went to the african musem in the spring and she was having no part of it. Maybe we'll try again soon.
aww, look at her!
i'm thinking about how quickly Marlie has grown...and she's gorgeous!!she looks having fun!
betty xx
I just started reading The Help as well. Great minds, I tell ya! I am completely and utterly drawn into the book so far.
July 4th is my husband's favorite holiday and fireworks are legal here so we had a lot of fun, but we always throw a party and for a week I'm a wreck. 3 days before, cleaning for the party, 3 days after cleaning up from the party.
Marlie is getting so big!!!
I can't believe how grown up she getting, when I first started following you she was so small. Wow life is incredible. Children just love Dora.
I read Push few weeks ago and it reminded me of COlor Purple too.
Oh I so remember the love of Dora, don't worry, think of it as how you will enjoy learning a little spanish! lol
I read and enjoyed The Help too. I want to listen the the audiobook because it is supposed to be an excellent reading. I think I'll check out the movie in August.
Pinterest is rocking so far. I need some place to keep links and I love the visual aspect of it. I don't even have to click to see what I was trying to see.
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