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TracFone Let's You Stay in Touch Cheaply

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This sponsored post is written by me on behalf of TracFone for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Is it getting more expensive to own a cell phone or is it just me?
I already know the answer to that question because I hear the complaints from my family and friends when the bill from their cell phone carrier arrives. 
There are several reasons cell phone bills have gone up. Having multiple members on your plan increases costs a little, but it's the rising rising taxes and fees and charges for special features like web access and app capabilities that really start to add up.
When you are faced with choosing between your rent and paying your cell phone bill, it might be time to look into an alternative like TracFone. TracFone prides themselves on offering the least expensive way to own and use a cell phone in America. There are no contracts, no credit checks, no activation charges or cancellation fees. There are no surprises on your bill according to real TracFone customers.
For as little as $29.99 you can pick a brand name phone packed with features like camera/video recorder, web access, app capabilities, mp3 player, and full QWERTY keyboard. Choose from simple "Candy Bar" phones, to Bluetooth®-enabled "Smart" phones. Watch this video for a demonstration of the features of the Samsung T301 phone:

TracFone's monthly plans for nationwide coverage start at $9.99 for 50 minutes or pay as you go online or with cards available at thousands of retail stores across the country. If you have relatives abroad, you'll be happy to know that  you can call over 60 international destinations directly from your TracFone at no extra cost! Plus, with the International Neighbors program, you can provide family and friends in Mexico or Canada a local phone number in those countries to reach you at your TracFone in the U.S.
Doesn't TracFone sounds like a great deal? Listen to what real TracFone customers have to say about it's service reliability and decide for yourself!
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Alicia said... 1

Dude... I may need to look into TracFone soon because my cell bill can be out of control at times. Or I may just switch plans... le sigh!

Jean5643 said... 2

I love your photo's with your little girl on your web site they are adorable.
My views on Tracfone are more as an emergency phone and to keep in touch with my family during the day. I'm using the Tracfone Family Value plan which I think you ladies might be very interested in as I only pay $27.96/month for my family of 4. I get 50 minutes/month sent automatically to my phone for $9.99 and the rest of my family gets 40 min. at $5.99/month.
This plan has saved me a small fortune I hope it does the same for you.

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