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Baby Log: 2 Years and 1 Week Old

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I didn't think I'd be posting weekly updates on Marlie after she turned 2, but she keeps providing me with material...
  • Her official birthday was on Monday. She also had her 2 year wellness exam that day. Her pediatrician is pleased with her growth and development, especially with her weight gain. She is slowly climbing the curve! She is still in the upper percentile for height. Everything was rosy until vaccine time. I feel terrible that she had to get shots on her birthday, but she it was only two!
  • Marlie has started showing an interest in playing pretend. She received a tea set as a birthday present and has wrangled me and a couple teddy bears into having tea time. It's so cute how she pours "tea" into our cups from the teapot for and makes us all pretend to drink.
  • Marlie was home with me all day this week as her school was on break. I decided to take a crack at the potty training. The naked booty method is a wonderful strategy. By Wednesday we had a rhythm going when it came to urination...she still poops on the floor or in her panties. I continue to place the rouge poop where it belongs and enlist her help with cleaning up. She loves cleaning up so this is not a deterrent for her. I'm at a loss except repeating what we're doing. I'm not frustrated or in a hurry. Running Marlie to the potty every 30 minutes is just not worth it right now if she is not ready to pee and poop in it. I'm okay with that. I can wait. Honestly, I don't consider a child fully potty trained until he/she can ask an adult to use the bathroom. What do you think?
  • We went to a water park with some friends on Saturday. I stayed in the shade and read a book. hee. We came home and watched the US Gymnastics competition. As usual, Marlie started to do headstands and flips. I think she'd be a thrive in a gymnastics class as soon as she get as little more mature.
  • This was a lucky week for me! I won some awesome giveaways: $50 Novica gift card from Homegrown Families, a $5 Walmart gift card from Mommy Delicious, and a $25 gift card to My Baby Clothes Boutique from A Helicopter Mom.


Krissy said... 1

Such a big girl! And you've made it 2 whole years without going nuts! Congrats! Lol

Mama Up! said... 2


Oh hey, I wanted to say thanks for the donation to GF of the books! That is so super awesome, and they put a thank you up on their FB page :)

Lee-Ann said... 3

Sounds like she is doing great on the potty! Good for you for not worrying about it too much! It is something that is easy to stress about.

Maureensk said... 4

I think your relaxed approach to the potty is great, based on my experience with my older four kids, it works best to let the child let you know when she's ready. Of course, Dore is quickly approaching three, so we'll see how patient I feel in two months.

Help! Mama Remote... said... 5

She's growing so fast. I remember when she was this little (ARM baby) LOL

Kim said... 6

We ended up using the same method. However, it is true what they say about boys and girls being different - Deaglan is finally potty trained at 3 and a half. He's never had a poop accident I think because we just let him take it at his pace. Now pee accidents? They still happen once a week at night.

Rae @ Rainbows and Dragonflies said... 7

Happy Belated, Marlie. I thought it was just us but my son's daycare was closed last week as well. I was happy for him to go back this week. My house looked like a battlefield. LOL

We haven't even started potty training. His Ped said we could start getting him acquainted at 18 months and we haven't even LOOKED at potties yet. *smh*

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