I'm not a techie, but I consider myself tech-capable meaning that I can solve most of my computer problems by reading online support sites and following the instructions. A couple of months ago my computer slowed down to a crawl and it was clear that the issue required a professional. I took it to a local computer repair shop and it came back in great working condition. Now I am seeing little problems pop up again like sluggish boot-up and an occasional crashing browser. I didn't want to schlep it back to the repair shop and wait two days to get it back, so I started looking into tune-up software. That's when the PC fairy dropped an offer in my lap from iolo technologies to review System Mechanic 10.5.

System Mechanic is the only PC performance and tune-up software designed to address and fix all nine root causes of PC slowdown. With over 51 advanced tune-up tools and a range of options to satisfy both novice and expert users, System Mechanic is engineered to breathe new life into old PCs by releasing misused processor cycles, sweeping away useless hard drive clutter and recovering wasted RAM memory. This software has been used by more than 32 million users to restore more than 75 million computers to their like-new performance. The newest version of the program, System Mechanic 10, is compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP and can be used on all the PCs in a single-family household, with iolo’s industry-first Whole Home Licensing model.System Mechanic tackles the 9 roots causes of PC slowdown:
- Slow program access caused by misaligned programs
- Decline in RAM that impacts all PC processing
- Slow boot times caused by startup
traffic jam - Redundant programs leading to conflicts and instability
- Slow web speeds caused by mismatched internet settings
- Registry errors and corruption causing instability
- Bloat that overtaxes the registry
- Fragmented hard drives that overtax drive processing
- Accumulated system clutter that wastes resources
For every user it all starts at the System Mechanic dashboard that visually guides you through the process of analyzing and making repairs to your PC system. Here are the results of my very own System Mechanic PC tune-up:

- It was very easy to install and worked fine in Firefox
- It worked in conjunction with my anti-virus software. System Mechanic actually monitors your firewall and anit-malware protection to make sure it's working.
- The IntelliStatus reports that provide real-time stats on system components that affect PC performance such as hard drive space (I always forget how to find that!), system memory and internet speed.
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System Mechanic has all the features I need to maintain & optimize my slow pc.
System Mechanic seems be good to improve and optimize my laptop. I hope I win.
It is a best seller with over 36 million users
its more powerfull than other software
i really happy with it
I learned that disk defragmenters slow your system by blindly compacting and separating related files even more! I have always suspected this!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
I learned that it scans for and replaces out-of-date drivers.
Risingsouth at verizon dot net
I learned that you don't have to be an expert to use it.
i learned that it unclogs speed-robbing bottlenecks for up to 800% better startup speed.
its much better than the rest and just about anyone can use it! I would really love to have this on my computer
They've been tuning PCs for 13 years.
over 36 million people use it crystletellerday@yahoo.com
Shaune needs to see this product. He's all about any gadget that will improve our computer.
it takes the guesswork out of finding and removing redundant programs that drain performance and stability.
i learned that iolo is the winner of over 200 editor's choice and 5 star awards
It has a Comprehensive status gauge.
i learned about the Internet Connection Repair
PCs need regular maintenance. If you don't maintain it you can suffer from errors, slowdowns, crashes and potential system faiures.
mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com
I learned that it will locate and repair bad internet connections
I learned that System Mechanic will unclog speed-robbing bottlenecks for up to 800% better startup speed.
I learned it runs 200 tests at the same time!
madamerkf at aol dot com
I screwed up the task to follow via networked blogs; please substitute in the comment field my fb name of wendy wallach-zephier!
sys mechanic is one of best software ever I used.
I learned that Internet Connection Repair that Detects and repairs bad connections to get you online with the fastest, most reliable access possible. Woohoo
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
They have all the features that I need for mantaining and optimimizing
Diane Baum
200 tests at the same time!!..wow!!
i'd love to win this!!
make my old,slow computer perform better!!
I like that it will remove junk and clutter. It seems that this accumulates as soon as you start using your computer
I learned that it has over 36 million users
System Mechanic is just what I was hoping for. My computer is so slow that I it's driving me crazy and because I am not that computer savy it's sounds right up my ally.
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