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Toddler Log: 2 Years and 2 Weeks Old

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I changed the title of these weekly updates to Toddler Log. It just made sense since Marlie is no longer a baby. SHE'S NO LONGER A BABY...Waaaaah! 
  • Big girl got rain boots this week. They are so cool.
  • She adopted a favorite adverb, the word "too." Now everything out of her mouth is "too" this, "too" that. Her shoes are "too" tight. Her eggs are "too" hot. Her toys are "too" heavy to pick up. She's "too" melodramatic if you ask me.
  • There is this squirrel that hangs out in the live oak tree in our front yard. Marlie calls him Buddy and is constantly looking out the window for him. If he is not in the tree she'll ask, "where's Buddy?" and then tell me to "find Buddy." When he appears she squeals with joy, "Buddy! Buddy! Buddy!" I hope she always has this love for animals. 
  • Damon made chicken and waffles for dinner last night and it was finger-lickin' good I tell you! Marlie just ate and ate. If he opened a restaurant, we'd be rich.


Krissy said...

Lol@ buddy! Love it

Jas has been on that "too" train for awhile and dramatic is the best way to describe it lol

They don't make rain boots in jas's size :(

Krissy said...

Oh and Damon, can a sista get a sample of those chicken and waffles? I hear the waffles houses aren't so great, there's a market for him on that side of town! Lol

Lee-Ann said...

Awww, buddy in the tree, so cute!

Kimberly Grabinski said...

That is "too" cute LOL.

Chicken and waffles together?

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Makes sense, since she's a big girl now. How cute calling the squirrel buddy. I still haven't had chicken and waffles together. It's good when they cook and we're satisfied.

keyalus said...

I've been to Glady's and Ron's Chicken and Waffles here in Atlanta numerous times and have yet to order the two together. I like their other sides too much to bother with a waffle!

There is a lake behind our house that is visible from the upstairs window where we hang out and play. Lewis gets so excited when the ducks are out there. "A duck! A duck! A duck!"

We have no adverbs here. I'm jealous. I did get a 4-word sentence yesterday so I'm happy. He said, "I won't break it" in reference to my IPhone.

Maureensk said...

I guess chicken and waffles must be a Southern thing, I've never heard of eating the combination. While I like both, I'd have never thought of eating them together! Do you wrap the chicken in the waffle like a taco or what????

Kim said...

LOVE that she's qualifying everything. Oh and Damon making chicken and waffles! What is that and how do I teach Shaune to make it???

Kim said...

When you get to the bottom of your page, there is no option to go to older posts. I thought there used to be but the last few times I can't find the button.

septembermom said...

Hit the Lotto and open that restaurant!! I want to try that dish :) I'm getting hungry...

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