About three years ago I got heavily involved in scrapbooking. I was all in...heart and soul. I made almost daily trips to the craft stores, joined scrapbooking groups online and attended scrapbooking conventions. I loved the feel of the paper, tearing off the cellophane on a new album, and picking out shiny embellishments. Then I became a mom and no longer had the time (or money) to keep up with my hobby.
I heard about digital scrapbooking, but I was skeptical. I mean, what could replace the thrill of sliding a completed layout into a page protector? Then I tried MyMemories Suite scrapbooking software, and I was converted.
After installing the software on my PC (they also have a MAC version), I opened the program to discover a whole new world of scrapbooking. MyMemories Suite is full of design options. You can purchase design kits from their website and some templates are even available to download for free. The control panel has every tool you can think of. Unlike hard copy scrapbooks, you can add video and music to your digital scrapbook. The software is very intuitive to use. I had so much fun creating this layout from my first pregnancy (one of the many albums I have been meaning to make):

One of the pluses of digital scrapbooking is the ability to share your work with family and friends in an instant!
Buy It: MyMemories Suite v2.0 retails for $39.97. Get $10 off your purchase with this code: STMMMS44313
Win It: One Marlie and Me reader is going to win a digital copy of MyMemories Suite v2.0!
Please Read How to Enter to this giveaway: you must use the Rafflecopter form below to record your entries (You may have to click Read More to see the form). Comments left on the blog post for required or extra entries don't count unless you record it on the Rafflecopter form. Please wait for the form to load, it may take longer to pop up than the rest of the web page. Make sure you have java script enabled and your browser updated. If you encounter an error, refreshing the page usually resolves the problem. If problem persists, please report the issue to Rafflecopter.

I'm not entering the giveaway because I already own the program. In fact I just upgraded to version 3 for $10 with a promo coupon. I do love the program though!
Oh my goodness, those pictures are awesome. you are adorable my friend.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I've never scrapbooked before, but I think this would be a way I could start doing it, minus the paper and supplies!
what a great contest! I love the Victorian Dream paper :) Thanks for hosting!
I LOVE this giveaway! Forever Combo Kit
I love the Wisdom Kit
frugalslhf@hotmail dot com
I like the wisdom kit,
I love the Forever Combo Kit! Happy holidays! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
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