As per tradition, we bought a Christmas tree and attempted to decorate it yesterday evening. This is as far as we got:

Marlie wanted to put the angel on top first. Then she proceeds to break ornaments and pull off the lights. We put the decorating on hold.
An update on chocolate chip: my last OB visit was good. I opted out of the anatomy scan, so we are still in the dark about whether CC is a boy or girl. I am going to try to keep it that way. I really do want to be surprised. Damon surprised me with a pregnancy pillow this week. It's like sleeping on a cloud, but I think he is regretting his gift purchase because the thing is HUGE and takes up half our bed. I know he hates sleeping next to it, but he doesn't say it. so. sweet.
I'm glad you guys had a good thanksgiving! And now I want some cheesecake! Lol
Glad CC is baking well. :)
Hubs is a good guy! :)
Sounds like a great Thanksgiving!
I hoping this year we finally can have ornaments on the bottom half of the tree without Abby trying to play with them and break them.
That cheesecake looks yummy!
Wants that cheesecake!
Marlie looks so cute :).
No kidding, I had a dream last night that you were 100% having a girl. So much so that I was surprised to hear that you want to be surprised because I figured you must have said somewhere something about girls.
Weird! But who knows, maybe I'm right!
I'm still thinking boy - I figure that I have about at 50% chance of being right! I LOVED my pregnancy pillow. I don't know what I would have done without the last two months. My only regret was that they didn't exist when I was pregnant with my older children (at least that I knew of).
I think I'm gonna try to make the cranberry sauce from stratch next year. *fingers crossed* And thanks for sharing the wealth about the turkey. I have to try one from whole foods.
So glad you guys had a lovely Thanksgiving, sipping on cider and whatnot.
And a body pillow is GLORIOUS! Enjoy it! xoxo
Your note about the pillow made me laugh, but yes, it was sweet of him!
Oh wow pumpkin cheesecake! Now that sounds delish. You and I are opposites: I'm intimidated by cheesecake yet I can tackle the turkey. LOL! Totally agree about the Whole Foods turkey. I knew you'd love it =) So funny about Marlie and her tree. Love her enthusiasm and can't wait to see the finished product . . . and SO sweet of your hubby with the pregnancy pillow. I'll definitely get one for #2.
I'm glad that you had a great Thanksgiving and that you are all (including chocolate chip) are doing well.
Love that picture of Marlie and the tree.
Now you have me thinking about a whole foods turkey too. And enjoy that pregnancy pillow. I hear that they do wonders for a good night's sleep.
I love this picture of Marlie putting up the angel on the tree!!
Yummy cheesecake. LOL at the pillow. He just kicked himself out the bed. haha
I'm very impressed with your mad skills in the kitchen! And how very thoughtful of Damon. I should have let my cheapskate self buy a pregnancy pillow. I was always uncomfortable!
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