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Wordful Wednesday: Christmas Cards

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.
Remember my post about getting my holiday cards done in advance year? The early planning has really paid off! We had our family Christmas photo taken on Saturday and on Sunday I was able to place my order on Shutterfly. I love how they turned out! 

I am giving away 25 FREE Holiday Cards courtesy of Shutterfly to 3 readers! Click the link to enter by Thursday, November 17th.


Help! Mama Remote... said... 1

Awwww baby bump!! You all look so beautiful!

Stesha said... 2

Your family is so beautiful! And look at Marlie! I wish I'd planned ahead for our holiday photo. Hopefully I can get it together before the end of this month.

Hugs and Mocha,

Liz Mays said... 3

So, so beautiful! Your family is lovely!

Krissy said... 4

I really love those! You guys love beautiful! Red is truly your color and hello CC! Lol

Who/what had Marlie cracking up like that? Lol

Claremont First Ward said... 5

Your picture is FABULOUS!

Quiana said... 6

What a gorgeous picture! I'm still trying to get inspiration for ours. LOVE Marlie's expression too! She really captures the holiday spirit!

Kimberly Grabinski said... 7

Gorgeous!!! I'm so jealous of how cute you all are!

Alexia said... 8

Love your card!! The picture is so sweet and so is the card design. Loving Marlie expression. Sassy as ever!

Alicia said... 9

OMG!!! You guys look so precious. I love it! I love that you're showing off your baby bump too.

Man, you're so on top of things. I have to get on that. Stat! I would so enter if I wasn't already partnering with Tiny Prints for cards. Speaking of, I gotta get on that and publish that post. (haha)

Maureensk said... 10

Love it! Marlie kind of looks like she is giving you an elbow in the ribs though, meanwhile smiling beatifically! The visual contrast seems apt. :-) Love her dress especially! Of course, you've got that "I'm in the best part of my pregnancy" glow going on!

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