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Wordful Wednesday: Super Halloween

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Marlie really got into the spirit of Halloween. She loved her Batgirl costume, especially the cape which she kept swinging around. She had a ball at the kiddie Halloween party at her daddy's office. Here are some pcis from that day...
Batgirl swings into action!
She meets up with her sidekick the Boy Wonder
Together they conquer trick or treating
That's me in the background imagining the sugar fallout. Image by John Hudson Photography


Mama Up! said... 1


And it's funny to see her mask - someone lost one in Salem. I saw it walking around and I couldn't figure out what it was. Turns out I kept looking at it upside down!

Kim said... 2

I love the costume - at first I was thinking that it would be chilly and then I remembered you guys live in a hot place.

I was the same as you - the stricter parent. I set out candy limits and stuck to them even though somehow the kids kept sneaking one more in.

Quiana said... 3

Awww she really looks the part! Love your expression btw AND your baby bump =)

Krissy said... 4

I love these pics! Marlie looks like she had a great time. Did she say Trick or Treat? That was jasmine's fav part lol

Kimberly Grabinski said... 5

So cute!

Alexia said... 6

So darn cute!! She was really working that mask too!! And I am right there with you on the sugar fallout. Ours was epic! Happy Halloween!! Love your bump ; )

Alicia said... 7

Bat Girl is killing me with cuteness right now! xoxo

Rachel said... 8

Oh, my goodness -- that big ol' mask is so cute on her little face. . . PRECIOUS!

Mrs. Pancakes said... 9

Oh Marlie is too awesome...batgirl..what a cool

Lee-Ann said... 10

Awww I love it! What a cutie!

Help! Mama Remote... said... 11

awwwww!!!! Bat girl!

Maureensk said... 12

OMG! She is such the perfect Bat Girl! She has the look down pat. Your expression...priceless! My expression while trick o' treating...the exact same as yours!

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