We took Miss Marlie to the park so she could get some practice on her balance bike. Her daddy did all the work. I stood by taking pictures, but at one point I put the camera down and just watched her. Do you sometimes look at your child and try to remember when they were just babies? I feel like mine is growing up way too fast and soon she's going to be taking driving lessons (in my car!).
Oh how cute! We love those balance bikes! Our now 6 year old was riding his bike at 4 after only using the balance bike for a week or so! :)
Oh my! I had to do a double take. She is such a big girl. I feel you on that sentiment. It makes me a bit sad, but excited to see the girl/woman my daughter will become.
It is so blurry, isn't it? I hold this child and think "Where did these long legs come from?". Marlie looks like she was having a blast!
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I can imagine it - the feeling of her tiny baby body slumped over my shoulder or what nursing felt like. But it's not crisp and clear like it used to be.
Best years ever!
My memeory is long! Lol I look at Jas and remember every second of it. I would like them both to knock this growing up stuff off
It DOES go by in a blur, and I love that even if this picture is blurred, you can still see the huge smile on her face!
Well, as a mom who has done driving lessons with three kids now, I can say it really does go by in a blur. One wants to enjoy them while you can, but at the same time, it is all so exhausting that we end up missing so many precious moments. It's always wonderful when you can just sit and enjoy the moment. BTW, teaching a kid to drive is the WORST parenting task you will ever have to do. I really am amazed that it is not the number one cause of death for parents.
I am looking at my daughter right now and at two months she looks so different from day one all the way to day 61.
So true...and the perfect picture to express that sentiment!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog to enter the laptop giveaway.
Your daughter is beautiful.
Which badge is it that you couldn't add to your blog? I just posted the rafflecopter on my blog - so I'm not sure which you're talking about.
I'm afraid I'm not much help to you. ~ Tina
Oh man, I do not even want to think about my kids driving! But I know it's coming all too soon. My oldest is 7 and it feels like yesterday he was born. So sad...
I loved the balance bike we got for my kids. My son learned to ride a 2 wheel bike weeks after turning 3 because we got him on the balance bike. Wondering if our youngest will learn even earlier with the balance bike!
I hate thinking about a time when they will need me less as inevitable as it is.
All the time. :( It makes me so sad, they just grow way to fast! I've almost been a Mom for 10 years already & it still feels like just yesterday!
She is darling! What a big achievement riding a bike is!
It really does pass in a blur, doesn't it? Yikes!
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