I have two amazing prizes (US only)...

This glass pint contains the answer to dry scalp and brittle hair. Virgin coconut oil is an excellent hair conditioner and is 100% pure and natural. I even use it on my skin as a pre-shower moisturizer. Read my REVIEW POST.

From the brand that put the kibosh on derma drama, the clickR Vanishing Mist is a must in your skin care arsenal! It's effective without harsh ingredients and completely vegan. Read my REVIEW POST.
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For hair care, I like to only wash my hair every third day:)
My best hair tip is to rub a little olive oil into the ends of my hair and wrap my hair in a towel for 20 minutes, then wash and condition as usual. Lori Davis
skin care-- i make a mixture of brown sugar and regular white sugar together with a little peroxide, and rub it on my face.. it exfoliates and it supposed to help with black heads
Best hair care tip i use is after washing my hair i always apply a hot oil treatment. It's good for the scalp. Showing some comment luv.
Use a good toner before your moisturizer.
I use hand creme every night so that my hands don't dry out! It's harder to keep my hands moisturized during the day!
I love coconut oil and use it in so many different ways! During winter I use it to clean my skin and moisturize.
avocados! eat them and put them in your hair!!
stacy h
Use baking soda as a facial scrub-works great!
kaytewatts AT aol DOT com
looks great
wwo the giveway is great and t hen you give some the better goodies
i use my coconut cream every night before i go to bed
thanks so much for the chance to win!
I put lotion on right after my shower and reapply as necessary.
Use olive oil for skin & hair to naturally moisturize.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
I use dead sea salt to wash my face and then moistureize with argon and coconut oil. I also put coconut oil in my hair.
FB: Toni Marie Caravello
reannenny at aol.com
Twitter: Tonic67
Lotion the hands a lot. Thank you
My best tip is to drink a lot of water to combat dryness.
There isn't an extra info box, but I am subscribed to Marlie and Me as acluisi [at] hotmail [dot] com
I drink alot of water and use vaseline on my lips for dryness.
For hair, don't wash too often. The natural oils will help your hair and scalp so that you don't get winter dandruff
I don't wash my hair as often, and I use an olive oil and honey mask once a week.
Use a good dandruff or dry scalp shampoo once a week during the winter to help keep your scalp from flaking.
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