The Libre Tea glasses can be used two ways: put loose leaf tea in the glass compartment, add hot water, replace filter, steep and drink OR add hot water to the glass compartment, replace filter, put loose leaf tea in filter, turn glass upside down to brew, remove filter and drink. I recommend watching this How to Video.
Buy It: The Libre Tea glass'n poly mug retails for $32.50.
Win It: Win your own loose leaf tea infuser in the form of a Libre Tea 10 oz Mug!
Please Read How to Enter This Giveaway: you must use the Rafflecopter form below to record your entries.Comments left on this blog post for the required or extra entries don't count unless you record it on the Rafflecopter form. There have been some changes to Rafflecopter! For instance, you now have to login with Facebook or your name/email address. This enables you to see your entries in a giveaway and edit them if needed. Please wait for the form to load, it may take longer to pop up than the rest of the web page. Make sure you have java script enabled and your browser updated. If you encounter an error, refreshing the page usually resolves the problem. If problem persists, please report the issue to Rafflecopter. Login to get started, click "Do It" next to each task to see the instructions, and start collecting your entries!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

My favorite is loose leaf Chamomile tea
masugr at yahoo dot com
my fav loose leaf is white green tea
i like black tea
My fav loose tea is any fruit flavour but I do like green tea as well.
My favorite loose leaf tea is mint.
I love any type of fruity or flowery flavor! :)
dailydealsjc (at) gmail.com
I haven't tried very many loose leaf teas. My favorite tea is Chai!
great giveaway!!
My favorite loose leaf tea is Orange Pekoe.
brendapenton @ hotmail.com
My favorite is Mint
I love orange pekoe!
My favourite loose leaf tea is Green Tea :) Looooooove it.
I love green teas and herbal teas! I actually just ordered some from an Etsy site and I can't wait to get it!
I love any type of fruity
I like Chai tea the most.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I have started REALLY getting into tea! I drink it every night before bed! would love the chance to win!!
My favorite loose leaf tea flavor is Green Tea.
gibberish (Julie G.)
my fave loose leaf teas are white teas with blueberries or tart cherries...green tea with melon or dried fruits...love loose vanilla rooibos teas...and of course throughout the day and evenings I drink loose or fresh mint tea with ginger root and lemon and honey! I also like a special Russian tea sometimes that is made of all dried fruits and herbs...
cathy b pbprojecthope atyahoodotcom
My fave loose leaf is Teavana Superfruite Unity Green Tea.
There isn't an extra info box, but I am subscribed to Marlie and Me as acluisi [at] hotmail [dot] com
My favorite loose tea is Jasmine
Ive never had loose leaf tea but i would love to try it!
Thank you!
Suchaproudmama @ yahoo.com
I love black tea!
swak50 at hotmail dot com
My favorite is Chamomile! I love to drink a cup at night to relax me before bed.
i like white tea because it has a smooth taste
I love chai
Diane Baum
My favorite is Darjeling.
I like the green tea
I love black tea.
Ted Kooper
fwdsd45 @gmail.com
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