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My Top 3 Picks: Raisin Bran

Monday, February 6, 2012

Constipation is a common problem  that pregnant women experience. I keep the by pipes flowing by eating raisin bran everyday. I actually eat enough raisin bran to keep a small army regular. But not all raisin bran is created equal, some are downright disgusting and taste like what I imagine is barn hay. I should know because I've probably tried every brand of raisin bran out there. And let me tell you, only a handful deserve to grace my breakfast table. They are, ranked in order from 1-3:

  1. Cascadian Farms Raisin BranCascadian Farms Raisin Bran.
    Pros: Organic. Hardy wheat bran flakes that don't get soggy in milk. Plump, juicy raisins that aren't covered in sugar.
    Cons: Pricey. 14 oz box doesn't last me more than 3 days

  2.  365 Whole Foods Market Raisin Bran365 Whole Foods Market Raisin Bran
    Pros: Only 200 calories per serving. Big flakes. The most protein of my picks. Cons: Pricey. 15 oz box doesn't last me more than 3 days. 

  3. Mom's Best Naturals Raisin BranMom's Best Naturals Raisin Bran
    Pros: Best value at 20 oz box.
    Cons: Unnecessary sugar on raisins=30 more calories per serving. Smallish, thin flakes.

*I did not receive any complimentary products or  compensation for this post. I am just sharing my opinions*


Mrs. Pancakes said...

Great to know!

Mama Up! said...

Raisin bran? Not a fan ;) I used what we call around here 'pooptang' aka sugar free orange flavored fiber drink stuff.

Julie said...

Yum! I love Raisin Bran Cereals! Filling and yummy! The perfect amount of sweet and bran!

Anonymous said...

My husband eats raisin bran every morning. This comparison helped me know that to buy him.

Help! Mama Remote... said...

I've never been a fan of raisin bran but I can use some help in the other area and I'm not pregant. I'm gonna to pick some up. I love that Activia but it does not help me like the commercial says it will.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Yum! I love Raisen Bran!! This is great to know!

Maureensk said...

LOL! And you didn't even get some free raisin bran for your efforts! Pregnancy is the ONLY time I ever have problems like this, the rest of the time I have to watch that I don't eat to much fiber. Actually, I should say that the first couple of months after delivery are a problem time also. I have an iffy tummy, so after one birth I wouldn't let them give me the stool softener after and let's just say that was a mistake!

Kim said...

I had such problems in the first and into the second trimesters of both my pregnancies. I wish I'd known about raisin bran!

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