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Wordful Wednesday: Baby Bullet {Bump Update}

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I felt I owed you a status update on chocolate chip. Here s/he is! We're now 35 weeks, which means we'll be meeting this big bundle sometime in the next four weeks. Look at the shape of that bump. It looks like a bullet! I am told the shape is an indication of the baby's sex. We'll see! If you have major baby fever, check out my bloggy buddy Alexia's 37 week update at Babies and Bacon!


Alexia said... 1

Yay!! I was wondering when I was gonna see that bump! It does look like a bullet...does that mean a little man? And you are carrying low. Think Chip & Nugget are going to both be arriving sooner than later...

Thanks for the shout out!!

Liz Mays said... 2

How cute are you? SO cute! I can't believe it's almost time!

What does a bullet mean? Girl or boy?

Anonymous said... 3

Now that you mention it, it does look like a bullet. I'm so happy for you, and so close to your due date. We're all excited for you!

Mrs. Pancakes said... 4

I can't believe how close you are to the end!! Wow time flies!

Stacy Uncorked said... 5

You look beautiful! I bet you're anxious to hold that little bundle of joy in your arms! :)

Warrior Cat Entrepreneur

Lee-Ann said... 6

Awww, you look adorable! I can't wait to see pictures of this new baby. :)

AnnaZed said... 7

Oww, you look wonderful; not long now!

Krissy said... 8

Ah the glorious baby bump! Hey CC! Your bloggy auntie Krissy cant wait to see you!

Candace said... 9

Girl you look FAB!!

Kimberly Grabinski said... 10

Wow, you look great and yeah, totally defying gravity with your bullet belly! My son was straight out in front, my daughter was all wide across me. Either way, Kim would make a great name LOL.

Tiffany said... 11

Wow, I love belly pics. Wish I had taken more during my pregnancies.

Chocolate Mom aka Blupoetres said... 12

I'm having belly envy looking at your bump! Too cute and it's as if h/she was in the middle of a really good stretch when you took it!

Quiana said... 13

What a beautiful bump! I'm so excited to see Chocolate Chip!

Maureensk said... 14

You look like you're carrying pretty low, like you might be having an early labor. I'm jealous of how obviously pregnant you look, by the time I was as far along as you, I always had that "is she pregnant or a beached whale?" look.

MushyMamma(Daphne) said... 15

Wow, I didn't realize you were almost at the end of the pregnancy journey. As always your looking good, hmmm I think it's a girl but I guess we'll see.

Kim said... 16

Oh my goodness you are adorable! I can't believe it's only weeks away, although I'm sure you can.

Help! Mama Remote... said... 17

A bullet it is :-) I've always heard the shape.means the sex, but I can't tell the difference.

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