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FuzziBunz Elite OS Pocket Diaper Give Away Sponsored by Thanks Mama #ClothDiaperHop

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

mother's day cloth diaper button
Mother's Day is almost here and we are celebrating with our love for cloth diapers!

Welcome to the Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop hosted by Daily Mothering! Enter my giveaway below for a FuzziBunz One Size Elite Pocket Diaper from Thanks Mama and then hop to the other blogs listed at the bottom of this post to enter their fluffy giveaways too! Nearly 100 blogs have linked up to bring you dozens and dozens of exciting cloth diaper giveaways. Each blog has a cloth diaper prize valued at $15 or more, and many blogs have prize packs worth over $100. And, don't forget to enter the GRAND PRIZE giveaway at Daily Mothering for your chance to win this amazing $1300 Cloth Diaper Prize Pack!

Every cloth diapering mama has her favorite "system" whether it's old-school folded diapers or the ultra modern all-in-one diapers. My preference is the fitted diaper paired with a cover. I have a few pocket diapers, but none of them made me want to switch styles until I tried the FuzziBunz One Size Elite Pocket Diaper that Thanks Mama sent me. 

FuzziBunz are made from a waterproof PUL exterior and a soft micro-fleece interior. Other features I like on this diaper include:
  • ABSORBENCY: FuzziBunz are specifically designed for heavy-wetters like my little guy. They come with two minky inserts to meet your needs. It is now my go-to nighttime diaper because it helps him to sleep longer. 
  • FIT: FuzziBunz are made to last from birth to potty training thanks to two design elements, double snaps for the waist and rise and an adjustable elastic around the thigh. My baby boy was 6 lbs 11 oz at birth and he has skinny legs so the adjustable elastic is a major plus. 
  • SIMPLE PREP and CARE: I just washed my FuzziBunz once before use according to the instructions on the packaging. It is also quick drying.
FuzziBunz OS Pocket Diaper Review
Clockwise: FuzziBunz stuffed with both inserts, the adjustable leg elastic, perfect fit!
The only cons with the FuzziBunz Elite OS pocket diaper is that it is single-use meaning that you can't just replace the insert and use it again after it is wet or soiled. Also, I found stuffing the pocket a bit challenging as it narrows in middle even though I have  tiny hands. I imagine dads would have a hard time putting in the insert. Even with these minor inconveniences, I will buy several more FuzziBunz OS Elite Pocket Diapers from Thanks Mama for my nighttime diapering. Thanks Mama is a wonderful company with wonderful customer service and free shipping on any order over $60.00 within the 48 contiguous states. I have placed several orders with Thanks Mama and have nothing but praise for them!

Buy It: Purchase the FuzziBunz One Size Elite Pocket Diaper at Thanks Mama for $19.95. Follow Thanks Mama on Facebook and Twitter where they often announce giveaways and sales!

Win It: Win a FuzziBunz One Size Elite Pocket Diaper in your choice of color sponsored by Thanks Mama right here on Marlie and Me! Open Worldwide!

Please Read How to Enter This Giveaway: you must use the Rafflecopter form below to record your entries. Comments left on this blog post for the required or extra entries don't count unless you record it on the Rafflecopter form. There have been some changes to Rafflecopter! For instance, you now have to login with Facebook or your name/email address. This enables you to see your entries in a giveaway and edit them if needed. Please wait for the form to load, it may take longer to pop up than the rest of the web page. Make sure you have java script enabled and your browser updated. If you encounter an error, refreshing the page usually resolves the problem. If problem persists, please report the issue to Rafflecopter. Login to get started, click "Do It" next to each task to see the instructions, and start collecting your entries!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Photobucket


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 264   Newer›   Newest»
Olivia said...

I like Apple Green!

CAJUNMAN12 said...

I like purple

Jiienna said...

I like spearmint :)

Brandi Elam said...

I'd pick Kumquat or Mac & Cheese.

Amy said...

I like Watermelon.

Debra said...

I like the apple green

Nicki said...


sarh s said...

I really want an Apple Green dipe!

Unknown said...

I'd choose watermelon or apple green.

Alex Liz R. said...

I like the watermelon color.
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com

Melissa said...

I'd pick Kumquat!

huntermb3 at gmail dot com

SaraMomofmany said...

I would like the Grape color.

dailymom said...

I would choose light it up blue

Debbie P said...

I love the Grape color. Thanks!

lillian said...

I like the spearmint colour

pilot_goddess at hotmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I'd choose Spearmint!

Parenting Patch said...

I would choose Crushed Berries.

RissaMamaRex said...


Unknown said...

I love the Apple Green, although Crushed Berries are awesome too!

mean green mom said...

i love the spearmint :) i'm expecting a new babe soon and would love to try these!

Unknown said...

tootie frootie

Julie G. said...

I would choose Apple Green

Kristi said...

I'd choose the Kumquat.

Katy Emanuel said...

If I won I would choose crushed berries

Brittany Thomas said...


Kittyboymama said...


jennifer NL said...

grape or watermelon

Fiddlin' Dandi said...

Light it up blue

Unknown said...

Light it up blue for sure!

Unknown said...

Watermelon! Love the red!

lace said...

I'd choose watermelon

TheMiddleClassMom said...

Mac & CHeese

Jessica Bleasdale (Rafflecopter: JACB)
jessicableasdale at gmail dot com

Nikki W said...


Mel said...


Heather said...

blue racer
freefluff@gmail. com

sleeplessmom said...

Kumquat. My little one has a dress that this would look cute under!

ClayVenture said...

Perhaps I'd get Kumquat. (what does a kumquat look like, anyway?)

Rinry said...


Jesi said...


KT said...

I'd choose light it up blue

Rhe Christine said...

Mac n cheese missrhe81 at yahoo dot com

Chelsea Korth said...

I would choose the spearmint!

Unknown said...

i'd pick the Spearmint!

Journeys of The Zoo said...

I'd choose watermelon!

journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

Baby Gates said...

Grape or crushed berries!

Joafairy said...

I'd pick Watermelon

Kerry said...


Unknown said...

I love the Spearmint!

jenny said...

here is the one i go with http://www.thanksmama.com/PhotoDetails.asp?ShowDesc=N&PhotoURL=//a248.e.akamai.net/origin-cdn.volusion.com/nomx2.qnr57/v/vspfiles/photos/options/moe-0004-2980.jpg?1321535672

jenny said...

oh just in case you cant get in to link i like mint one

Unknown said...


Nikki said...

I'd go with the Mint :)

Aimee said...

tootie frootie

Dee said...

I would choose apple green

Anonymous said...

I would choose the crushed berries.

Yesenia said...

I would choose Light It Up Blue.
morales_y at yahoo dot com

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

I'd choose kumquat :) Plus I just love that word LOL
Entering on RC form as Erin Cox

A Kerr said...

Choco Truffle

Jenny McClamroch said...

macaroni and cheese

Brandy C said...

I like the Kumquat color!

bellsam said...

I like apple green

Julie said...

apple green or kumquat!

Michelle F. said...

I would choose Apple Green! (Michelle Ferguson)

MissMannah said...

I would pick Light it Up Blue

Beth R said...

I would choose the Light it up blue. Thank you
beth.rees333 at gmail dot com

Charlotte said...

I would choose Choco Truffle.

Jessica said...

I would choose the Watermelon color
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Elisha said...

I like apple green.

Valeria B. said...

I love Choco Truffle!

Amy M said...

Choco Truffle or Apple Green :)

Emily said...

Watermelon or kumquat

Heather S said...

Mac N Cheese

Darien said...

I would chose Grape!

Andie said...

Apple green or Kumquat!

krystyl olson said...

spearmint or choco truffle!

DontSayHurry said...

I'd go with crushed berries! Thanks

Ashley R said...

Probably the Choco Truffle!

Stardust said...

I'd choose spearmint!


Sam Buck said...

I love the Spearmint color!

kzoo said...

i would pick apple

Sparky said...

Apple Green!

Kat said...

i would pick crushed berries!

katch05 at gmail dot com

Mrs. B said...

Mac N Cheese

Anonymous said...

I love Apple Green!

Lyndsey said...

Choco Truffle is my fav.

Ledford Land said...

Apple Green!

cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

vintagemama22 said...

Reanna Wesley.... tootie frootie

Anonymous said...

I would choose the apple green diaper!

Linda said...

I'd get Spearmint

Justice Montgomery said...

I would want the brand new whimsical whale (which I don't see yet)or spearmint, which isn't a color we have in our stash yet!

-Justice Montgomery

Anonymous said...

I'd choose the Choco Truffle!

StephanieC said...

apple green! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

charychild said...

Crushed berries!

Heather S. said...

apple green!

jdeemarie said...

I'd choose a diaper in crushed berries.

Jodi J

Dana K said...


Anonymous said...

apple green please

orangeginger said...

I like the apple green.

CJ said...

I would choose Apple green

Unknown said...

I would like cotton candy!

Maria Ivey said...

I would choose Apple Green.

twinsincloth said...

light it up blue

carolaontour said...

I like apple green

Catherine L. said...

I would choose Spearmint.
~Catherine L.

Carrie said...


RebeccaL said...

Either the Choco Truffle or Watermelon. :)

Melanie said...

Definitely crushed berries!

Jamon Clark said...


Love{&}Bugs said...

I like apple green

Kris said...


Tara said...

Definitely watermelon!

debbielee93 said...

I like them all! this is my favorite diaper

caedmen said...

apple green

(Rachel N on raffelcopter)

Janelle said...

I'd choose spearmint!

Doodlersnick14 said...


alya said...

Watermelon! Haven't branched out to red yet and it'd be perfect :)

Alanna B said...


Amber said...

I like the Apple Green color!

Amy Miller said...

Apple green

Daily Mothering said...

Crushed Berries!

kelly said...

I like apple green

nica said...


Amy V said...

choco truffle

Unknown said...

Love the Grape!

Courtney said...

Choco truffle

Tummy 2 Bummy said...

watermelon :)

Unknown said...

I would pick watermelon.

Kristi said...


Jessica K. said...

I would choose Spearmint!

Unknown said...

Grape! I have several of the others, but not this one!

Vanessa said...

watermelon please

Chelsea Preston said...

Love crushed berries

Ash said...

I'd gift this to a friend and let her choose the color, but I like the crushed berries


Becoming The Me I Want to Be said...

nikki bergin

Jenna Jones said...

cotton candy!!!

Beth said...

Crushed berries

mammi_of_2 said...

aplle green or mac n cheese
bonnie r

J. Olson said...

Cotton Candy!

Beth said...


Brandy Anderson said...

Crushed berries!

Rachel said...

I'd choose Watermelon

RebeccaWM said...

I'd pick Spearmint. So cute!

Unknown said...


Rachierach85 said...

apple green!

Anonymous said...

I would choose the watermelon

charlotte said...

the grape is a very pretty color!

Anonymous said...

i would choose watermelon.
(facebook name is mp phaiah)

Jackie said...


Cal said...

I would choose the watermelon.

elkins View said...

I like the grape

Anonymous said...

I like the Spearmint color!

Unknown said...

I'd pick watermelon.

Anonymous said...

Cotton Candy!

Sarah said...

Crushed berries is so pretty!

Krista YZ said...

I would pick the kumquat diaper. So cute!

JLJMommy said...

I'd choose Kumquat.

Catie said...

I would chose either Kumquat or Watermelon!

Julie said...

Crushed berries!

Carly said...

I would choose the grape or watermelon color

Tamar said...

I like Mint.

Beyond Us Kids said...

I'd pick a Spearmint. : )

Christina said...

apple green!

cmcosman at yahoo dot com

amber said...

crushed berries

Talia said...

I'd get a diaper in Mint.

Alycia said...


Jade Rahl said...

Kumquat <3

Jessica E said...

I love the spearmint!

Sarah P. said...

I would choose the spearmint color

The Secret Life of a SAHM said...

Choco Truffle or Light it up blue;-)

Stacey T said...

I like Spearmint

Dawn said...

Chocolate Truffle!

Keara B. said...

Apple green!

Little Miss Kate said...

I love the "Light it Up" Blue

Karissa said...

apple green

tiggiepooh81 said...

I love the Spearmint!

tiggiepooh81 at gmail dot com

Deltaflute said...


Kathy said...

I like watermelon!

Anonymous said...

Crushed Berries!!!

Michelle D said...

i'd love the spearmint :D

Sarah Evans said...

I'd pick Watermelon! What a great color.

Breanne said...

I'd pick Choco Truffle

Christine said...

mac 'n cheese

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Apple Green.

toughturtles said...


Jelli said...

Apple green, if you please! thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

choco truffle

cupcake mama said...

I would pick Watermelon!
Rafflecopter: Mechele JOhnson

Evil-Termite said...

I'd pick Watermelon

Mike and Audrey said...

I would choose choco truffle or apple green, hard decision!

mmmorgans said...

Apple green!

brightbird said...

I like apple green

Jasmine P said...

i like the purple ones

ash. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

light it up blue is my pick!

Mama Bucks said...

I need more diapers for my stash :)

Mama Bucks said...

Watermelon for sure!

Nichol said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! If I won I would choose the "light it up blue" color!
goldenleo816 at aol dot com

Nikki said...

I would get Apple Green

Amy said...

Mac and Cheese baby!!!

Shannon said...


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