In the midst of this hellish week, I did get some slices of heaven. I ate a whole batch of cookies. Comfort food always helps. I went for a long walk on Friday morning to clear my head. Fresh air always helps. I got to exercise my inner couponista at Target. Retail therapy always help. Inspired by Nicole at Help! Mama Remote, I have been keeping my eye out for savings I can use on various coupon blogs. I saw a $3 off coupon for Merona apparel at Target. I found a fitted wrap t-shirt (perfect for breastfeeding) on clearance for $3 so I got it for FREE! High-fives!
Toddler Log: 2 Years and 38 Weeks Old
I do not know what has gotten into this child, the devil maybe? She has been a world-class brat all week. My response to her reign of terror is not winning me any Mother of the Year prizes either. She makes a mess, I shout at her. She disobeys, I scream at her. She acts out, I shriek at her. It's a vicious cycle and I am at a loss about what to do. A short list of her actions this week: She has had "accidents" everyday, both at home and at school. I put accidents in quotes because I know she is wetting/soiling her panties on purpose. She wrapped two plastic hair bands around her arm before going to bed and then woke up in the middle of the night crying in pain. The bands were cutting into her skin and left welts. By morning her arm was swollen and looked infected. Thoughts of doctors amputating her arm below the elbow because the circulation was cut off too long ran through my mind. But it was fine after Damon doctored it. She has a bruise that looks like a barbed-wire tattoo around her arm now. After a session of finger painting she decorated the upholstery on the rocking chair with her hand prints. Then there was the almost-flood. She comes running into my bedroom where I am nursing Desmond asking me for help in the bathroom. I reach the sink just in time to turn off the faucet and prevent water from spilling out all over the floor. She has been talking back and breaking things. I'm shaking my head just thinking about this week. There were days I wanted to drop her off at the fire station, but then she does something like draws me a picture or places acorns on porch for the squirrels to eat (and they do come and fetch them) and I see all her goodness shining through.
Baby Log: 6 Weeks Old


Well I certainly hope Damon steps it up today! But if not, don't worry, plenty of us are in the same boat with our husbands wanting to act like it's just another day. And to think of how all out we go for Father's Day...
Sorry to hear about M's behavior issues. We've got the same diva attitude over here too. I'm a yelling angry mess, but I have to believe and keep reminding myself that it is only a phase. It will not last forever. Right? I hope...
Desmond is absolutely adorable! Is it me or does he look like Damon? And no worries about the photos. He will be just as loved and that's what counts. Hang in there!!
"He has so many folds like a Shar Pei! It's too cute!"
LOL I cracked up laughing at the Shar Pei comparison! Yes, he is SO ADORABLE!
Happy Mother's Day!
If it helps, after 20 years of marriage, my hubby has Mother's Day down pat. So just give it a decade or so and Damon will be like the hostess with the mostess on Mother's Day. :-) hopefully he can make things up to you for your birthday. Like, how about a spa treatment with a massage to kneed out all the muscle knots you'll have by next weekend?
look at that sweet little baby boy! i just wanna snuggle him! Get with the picture taking. You know they grow up so fast.
Marlie girl! Knock it off with the "accidents" and driving mama nuts! lol. I know shes a sweet girl, shes not fooling me one bit with this act.
I do hope you still enjoy your birthday considering. . .
I think Mother's Days are kinda hard on the men because especially when the kids are young, it falls straight on the Mr. to get everything right.
I do hope everything works out for your birthday. If it's any help, I'm told that men get more romantic when they age...I know, I'm still waiting on that part hahahaha
Keeping your brother in my prayers and hoping things ease up with Marlie's adjustments to being a big sister.
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