Toddler Log: 3 Years 1 Week Old
We were very busy in the days leading up to the birthday party. I made the mistake of telling her about it so that's all she
She is using the potty again and she has been taking naps thanks to my mom hack: daily drives. I take the kids to run errands and she usually falls asleep on the way home. If not, I just drive up into the hilly areas and the curvy, bumpy ride puts her out. But she's wise to my trick. On Friday we went to the supermarket to pick up some items for the party and grab lunch. We had a impromptu picnic in hatch of my car while sitting in the parking lot. That was pretty cool. But she didn't fall asleep on the way home and then she had a meltdown when she realized that I had passed our block and was driving toward the hills. She passed out from crying after 10 minutes, but my nerves were shot.
Baby Log: 20 Weeks Old
Magoo is a healthy baby boy! He weighs 15.5 lbs and is 26 inches tall. He was a trooper while getting his shots and had no reactions other than being really sleepy. The pediatrician described him as very strong and active. She said we could definitely start giving him some pureed solids, including meats! I know he is going to be thrilled. can't wait to get my baby food maker out of storage next week. He was fussy all day Friday and Saturday and was rubbing his gums with everything he could get his hands on, including his hands. A tooth must not be far behind.