Compound the "fall back" with a healthy dose of the teething crankies and you have a recipe for lots of sleepless nights! What I am saying is that I was not up to snuff this week. I was sleep-deprived and feeling less than enthused about things. I could only muster up the energy to fulfill obligations...stuffing preschool fundraising mailers, playdates, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning. I did buy manage to buy myself a new outfit (a white shirt and grape-colored jeans for Thanksgiving holidays), which always cheers me up. I also tried to break out of the funk by exercising, but the little ones wouldn't cooperate. I tried to do one of the Insanity videos, but both decided they'd rather me not. The husband says I am setting myself for failure by trying to workout while they are awake. Even my weekday walks were a no-go because the baby was cranky. So when is a good time to get some exercise? 2 am?! Sometimes I feel like it's 3 against 1. sigh.
Toddler Log: 3 Years and 12 Weeks Old

I hate to sound sarcastic, but her insatiable need for attention and getting her own way is becoming too much. We don't cave, but standing your ground has it's own costs. She doesn't give up easily and I am exhausted and pissed by the battle is over. It puts me in a very bad mood, so in a way, she's still won. Anyone else feel this way?
when she isn't being a diva, she is truly a delight. I love how she pronounces every syllable in a word like choc-o-late and broc-co-li. I love her observations like when she exclaimed the moon was following us and it was upside down. This week she dazzled us with her "magic trick" which consisted of hiding an object in her hand and asking you to guess which one she was hiding it in. It didn't matter if you guess right because she would insist you choose the empty one then she would shout, "ta da! it disappeared!" She had a playdate at a children's play museum and was so excited about the fire station play area (as you can see). Someone should tell her though that you have to fight fires with your eyes open. LOL!
Baby Log: 30 Weeks Old

He is growing like a snowball on a hillside. New foods this week: egg yolks. New developments: holding onto furniture and taking steps. He likes to let go to see if he can stand on his own, but so far he just ends up on his back or butt. Why is he in such a hurry?
Desmond is just trying to keep up with his big sis! I agree that I wish they'd abolish daylight savings times. I don't care if we stay on standard time or night, just pick one and stick with it. Sorry you had a rough week, hope this week is better!
Yea the time change has messed me up. Those babies are getting so big. Desmond needs to slow it down
Actually, here in the south, we do not need DST. It's hotter than heck and it only extends that horrid heat another hour into our evenings. God figured all of this out and we have to go change it!
You are certainly not the first mama to get fed up after standing her ground with a diva. I should know! Sometimes I get totally exhausted by the 'everything must be just so' attitude of a certain someone - especially when she wants us to be mind readers, aaargh!
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