Toddler Log: 3 Years and 19 Weeks Old
I realized that I haven't provided much details about Marlie's growth lately. First off, she's grown so tall that she's already more than half my height. She's been wearing size 4T for about two months now.

Her sense of logic has also expanded which she uses to argue a lot. She has the surly teenager routine down cold, including crossing arms, sucking teeth, storming off in a huff, and slamming bedroom doors. She can grasp many concepts like real and fake. She enjoys telling you what's not real. Her conversational skills will leave you impressed (and exhausted). She loves to regale me with tales from school during the car ride home and engage you in impromptu discussion about a wide range of topics from her choice of profession (fire fighter) to her favorite foods (pizza). Her stories have a beginning, middle and end, too!
I think it's time to enroll her in some extracurricular activities. I looked into a little ninjas martial arts class, but I think we're going to give gymnastics another try in January and probably swimming this spring.
Baby Log: 37 Weeks Old

I can't believe Little Man is 9 months old. He has been taking steps for the past week up to three at a time! He'll be walking like a big kid really soon. This week I made him chicken, broccoli and brown rice cereal. He was not into it at first, but by day three he was eating some of it. I think it's the texture. His next two teeth are about to come in and he's gumming on everything, he is a pro at eating O-shaped cereal. His eczema is all but cleared up thanks to me getting rid of every piece of clothing with metal zippers or snaps. He hasn't reacted to anything else in two weeks so I think we're good. I just need to keep his skin moisturized because wintertime is so drying!