I first learned about the importance of omega-3 fatty acids for brain development when I was pregnant. When I asked what brand was the best my obstetrician, the health food store manager, and my children's pediatrician all said Nordic Naturals. It was comforting to know that they all shared the same opinion! Nordic Naturals has become a staple of my family's diet because they help your brain continue to develop long after birth. My daughter gets the Omega-3 Jellies, my son gets the Cod Liver Oil and I still take Nordic Prenatal DHA, which has helped me overcome "mommy brain."
Nordic Naturals’ recently announced its “Learn. Inspire. Change. 2013 What’s Essential Essay Scholarship” for new and returning college students. As part of the company’s “What’s Essential” campaign, Nordic Naturals is challenging the next generation to learn what’s essential to them, inspire healthy and positive choices in others, and become the new face of change that shapes our world.

Scholarship applicants will be asked to answer the question:
What are the essential components of the education that your generation needs to make a positive impact on the world?The applicant who best answers the question in 1000-1500 words will receive $5000 for college and a year’s supply of Nordic Naturals’ award-winning omega-3 products. The essay and accompanying application materials will be accepted on Nordic NaturalsFacebook page from January 1 through March 31, 2013. The scholarship recipient will be named on Facebook on or around June 1, 2013.
*All statements and products mentioned in this post have not been reviewed by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any diseases.*

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