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My Big Plans for 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year Folks! I wish you joy and happiness, but above all this I wish you L-O-V-E!
Bonne année 2013
By PRA (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
I don't make new year resolutions, I make plans and then I execute them.

And I have B-I-G plans for 2013 although it will be hard to top 2012's birth of my son, move to California, and re-election of President Obama.

I am going to try really hard to make 2013 a year to remember. I will be running walking a marathon, celebrating Magoo's 1st birthday, returning to the workforce, celebrating 13 years of marriage, celebrating Marlie's 4th birthday, and working on publishing a book. That's more than enough, don't you think?

But I also have big plans for this blog. I have been working behind the scenes to clean up this space. I have changed my FTC disclosure statements to images and combed my archives to make sure this blog is in compliance with Google's no-follow policy for sponsored posts, reviews and giveaways. I am also going back and adding alt tags to all photos and graphic images because that is just good SEO practice. I'm going after my PR 3 in 2013, y'all! Other forthcoming changes will be more obvious like a redesign. Stay tuned!


Mama Up! said... 1

You're so awesome, I'm thinking 2013 is going to be as awesome as you make it!

And thanks for the tip about the nofollow rules - today I learned...

Anonymous said... 2

I am so with you on 2013! It IS going to be an awesome year. Also, I had no idea bout the do follow vs. nofollow information. I just learned something. Thank you!

Quiana said... 3

What an exciting 2013 you're going to have! I look forward to continuing to follow your journey.

Maureensk said... 4

Well, I am exhausted just reading about you plans! You're amazing to have gone back and added alt tags and so forth. I've started doing that, but there is no way in heck that I am going back and adding them to every photo I ever posted. I don't do sponsored posts, just so I don't have to worry about that stuff. Where are you going to be working and how are you going to blog, train for a marathon, mama, and work all at the same time?!?! Ahhhh.... I get it, you've chosen to sacrifice sanity in order to meet your goals. Just joking, though if you manage to do all that and stay sane, you've got more oomph than I do (or maybe it's you being a decade younger than me).

Help! Mama Remote... said... 5

Love your plans! I have big plans too and I'm not a resolution girl either.

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