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Wordful Wednesday: My One New Year's Resolution

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Grinch Baby Christmas Photo
You know I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I decided that one couldn't hurt. In 2013 I resolve to take more photos like this that capture the perfectly imperfect moments of my kids' lives because these are the ones with the good stories to tell them later. As in..."this was the day I was trying to get the lighting right for our family Christmas card photo and your brother was pitching a fit and you tried to hold and comfort him but he was not cooperating and you were so distraught by his squirming you said TAKE HIM BACK MOMMY!


Maureensk said...

Oh my goodness, Desmond looks mad as all get out! That was nice of Marlie to attempt to contain such an ornery looking brother! :-)

Help! Mama Remote... said...

Oh my gosh this picture made me laugh!Adorable and.this one will be needed we she say her.little brother gets on her nerve because its clear her love for him is enormous :)

Claremont First Ward said...

What a WONDERFUL resolution!!!!

Alicia said...

LOL!!! This is great! I have quite a few photos like these and they sure do make for good stories. LOL.

Happy New Year love!

Anonymous said...

Lol yea you need to post more pics too

Quiana said...

I'm not into resolutions either but I have to say I do like yours! Nia saw the picture and asked, "What's wrong with the baby?" LOL! I guess this is what I have to look forward to as well some day. . . Happy New Year!

mail4rosey said...

I used to strive for the pictures that were perfect, but now I love these kinds just as much as the others. :)

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Love this! Those imperfect pictures definitely has the best stories. Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Love it! Naveen just looked at this picture of Desmond and said look mommy there's Naveen!

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