The Conscious Box subscription is a monthly delivery of pure and sustainable products that are handpicked from businesses that care for the planet—just like you! They selectively choose the products, only allowing the purest companies working toward the most ethical goals. Each month, you meet 10-20 of these companies right at your doorstep. (It's like a birthday, every month!)

Conscious Box will introduce you to healthy and honest alternatives for every aspect of your life and for every member of your family. Discover the best natural products, earn points for leaving feedback and reviews, and buy your favorites at incredible discounts! They've got some incredible boxes coming up (including an Earth Day box!).
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first time seeing this type of box.
I recycle all the time!!
I'm not totally GREEN to the extreme, but I have trying to create good habits. I used to love buying paper plates because I was too lazy to wash dishes, but when I found out thousands of trees were being cut down to be made into plates I stopped buying them and now use my regular ones.
We use cloth instead of paper (towels, napkins, diapers, wipes, bags, etc.)
I'm always really conscious about how much gas I'm using (I drive a LOT for work so I do blow through some miles). Like I hate it when I see people start up their car and then sit there in park for 5 minutes looking at a map or texting...if you're not driving don't run your car engine that is just wasteful!
I definitely have a long way to go in the green department, but I recycle,use cloth bags(and cloth produce bags!) when shopping,have my own veggie garden, compost,use biodegradable trash bags,line dry clothes,and I make my own natural laundry detergent.:)
We are definitely working on being more earth conscious with recycling and using better products for ourselves and cleaning.
I like to think that I am pretty Earth conscious. I recycle when possible, I pick up trash if I see it laying on the ground, I clean with all natural products, I try to buy organic products as much as possible, and I am going to be cloth diapering my baby when he gets here. :)
I try to buy products with recycled content.
I have been trying to be more earth conscious by watching what I am buying, using less plastic products using more natural cleaning products etc.. I say it is one small step at a time...
I am Earth conscious by recycling as much as possible.
I try to do the right thing....I recycle and just switched to all green lightbulbs.
I have been eco friendly by recycling, reusing and composting as much as possible.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I recycle, compost and grow an organic garden.
We recycle and use reusable bags when shopping and for lunches.
I recycle and give up my car to ride my bike every summer
I recycle and use water conserving shower heads as a few of my energy conscious decisions.
We cloth diapered my daughter and try to buy as much organic, local foods as possible.
I recycle, compost and have rain barrels.
I try to be by conserving water and electricity and recycling
we recycle and are water concious
I try to be Earth conscious by recycling everything I can,using energy effeciant appliances and I installed a low flow shower head.
we try to recycle, reuse and repurpose anything that we can
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
I try to recycle when I can
I recycle as much as possible in my home and try to encourage my neighbors to do the same. I also try to clean up the beach while I'm there by picking up after others. :)
I recycle!
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
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