I unstrap both kids and drop Desmond off at his class. Back in the car Marlie asks if we can go by the store to buy some "corn on the stick" because it will make her feel better. O_o . Okay. At the store she helps shuck four ears of corn and I am starting to think that I have been had.

Back home she literally watches the pot boil for the corn on the cob. I decide to go ahead and fricassee some chicken breasts for lunch. She eats a whole chicken breast and two ears of corn. So much for the tummy ache. I think she was just hungry. Then she asks to watch TV until I remind her that she is sick and should be resting. She starts to whine. It's only a little after 11 am and I need to think fast. I tell her to grab her tea set and we make "tummy tea."
By noon she is "well" enough to do a craft project and play outside. Miracles! I get to watch most of General Hospital in peace which is important because they finally revealed the identity of the mystery man lurking about town. >>It's Franco<<
At two o'clock I throw in the towel and let her watch television. It's only for an hour before we have to go pick up her baby brother anyway.
How do you spend sick days with your kids? Does yours also make a miraculous recovery when the get home?!