Every year I promise myself that I will learn to garden. I visit a nursery and get overwhelmed by all of the decisions...what is the difference between an annual and perennial? Which fertilizer is the best? How often do I water? The trip to the gardening center always ends with me chickening out. Then Miracle-Gro helped me find my inner gardening diva.
Miracle-Gro has a long history for making products to help gardeners keep a healthy and beautiful garden. I remember my grandmother using their food sticks in her own lush garden. She grew wonderful vegetables, herbs, and flowers that I enjoyed picking in the summer. Unfortunately, I did not inherit her green thumb. Thankfully, Miracle-Gro is starting a movement to simplify gardening for wannabe gardeners like me through their The Gro Project.
Marlie and me the and selected the toyrarium project which is a unique spin on a terrarium. Then we climbed into the car and went shopping for supplies including a bag of Moisture Control Potting Mix for indoor/container plant life.