Hello friends!
Sorry I went off the air.
That's not entirely the case. I was posting some reviews and giveaways, but I promised more life posts and I've dropped the ball. Sorry 'bout that.
I am struggling to find the time to maintain this blog. Truthfully, I am doing social media stuff all day at work and it's been hard to summon the power to post on my personal site. Plus work is time-consuming and I find my "free time" divided between family and chores. Aw, balance (post on that coming soon!).
Here is a few updates:
I was featured at
Mom Meet Mom this week. Mom Meet Mom is like Match.com for the mommy set. One of a my favorite bloggers Christa of
I Know How Babby Is Formed, is the visionary behind this movement. Please go check it out!

Marlie's sass meter is off the charts. She likes to argue and thinks she's smarter than you so she tries to justify talking back. Now, I'm all for encouraging my child to use her reasoning skills and powers of persuasion, just don't be rude! I told her I was sending her to law school so can turn all that back talk into billable hours. She learned to snap her fingers recenltly which she enjoys doing while watching Michael Jackson videos on YouTube. She calls him "Michael Jack" and she asked me why his nose looks different in Blame it on the Boogie and Bad (she's very observant). She turns 4 next month and the birthday party is all planned out. If you follow my boards on
Pinterest then you already know the theme is Toy Story Western. I can't wait to share photos! This fall we will take her on kindergarten school tours because the public school system has school choice option (it's really a placement lottery). We will also visit a couple of charter and parochial schools. I am trying not to freak out about it.

Desmond had a huge growth spurt and is already more than half Marlie's height. People comment that he is going to be taller than her. They may be right. He clocked in at 75 percentile for height at his 15 month wellness check up. He weighs 20 lbs so he is going to be long and lean. He has taken to school like a fish to water. He likes stacking and sorting. He even stacks and sorts things around the house. Too bad we have to transfer him to another school because we can't afford to keep him at Marlie's school (long story). He is also talking up a storm: nana (banana), hair-to (here you go), du (dog/duck), baba (Marlie), mama, dada, and oh-oh.
Me and Damon went through a rough patch recently. Lots of arguments and nights on the couch. After a particularly nasty day of exchange barbs and hanging up on each other, we put the kids to bed and talked. It was a huge breakthrough. Things are on the mend and just in time to have a happy 13th wedding anniversary on July 15.
Glad you guys patched things up and are celebrating 13 years together! The first 3-4 years after a baby is born are just hard on marriages (at least they were for us, even after doing it 5 times). Then again, making up is always nice, though that is part of why we had 5 kids to begin with! I can't believe how much Desmond has grown up!!!! Watch that lottery system there. When we lived in Gilroy, they had the same system and one of my daughter's wanted to go to public school. Well, the school they placed her in was the absolute worst in the entire district. Plus, it meant her riding a bus for 1 1/2 hours each way! It was the only time that we did not allow our kids the option of attending public school. She did attend public school once we moved back up here and it went fine, but they don't do lotteries here.
Welcome to my world friend. ;) I work on a computer all day. I don't want to touch one when I come home.
This age with the back talking is insane. My son thinks he's so smart. The stuff that comes out of his mouth makes me proud and annoyed at the same time! They really know how to get under your skin, probably because they know your argument tactics. Sometimes I feel like I have a teenager but then he's so little. I can't take it sometimes!
I swear having young children takes a real toll on a marriage. Neither of you really knows what you are doing and both of you have your own opinions on how to handle things. Throw in sleep deprivation and yikes! It is tough. I just had a 10 minute blow-out argument this AM with The Mister over breastfeeding! It was just insane to be screaming over milk. I think this part of becoming parents is not discussed enough.
Good luck finding a new school for Desmond. I'll be looking into a new private school for kindergarten next year.
Glad to see you back. the back talk gets to be a bit much at times.I'm glad people seem to be so willing to work on their marriages instead of throwing in the towel. I'm sure everything else will sort itself out
love the honesty in your post...glad that the kids are doing well...i would love to meet Marlie and her sass in person...she sounds cute even with the sass. and omg Desmond has grown leaps and bounds. happy 13th...glad you and hubby are back on track!!!
Oh the ebb and flow of marriage. Been there!! I am now pumped to back track on your posts - you got a job???!!!!!!!!!!! My sister tells me about the american school system and it sure is tricky. Good luck with finding the right affordable fit!
He is getting so big!!!!!!!
I'm glad you worked everything out. We just celebrated 13 yrs in June, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You fell off the edge of the interwebs, just like me! :) Nice to see you back. Sounds like things have been busy around your place. Wish you all the best during back to school time.
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